
"...any amount of evidence as evidence enough"

That is nonsense. I am not a racist and I don't discriminate so I am not perpetuating anything. Skepticism is not a thought crime. People have made up far more bizarre shit than this.

Lol, really?

I never said that people who are discriminated against deserve it.

Uncle Tom, huh?

What we have here is one persons side of the story. Period. People choose to side with her because it seems like the right thing to do and I understand that but that does not mean she is not making it up. Logically you have to admit that is true.

Sorry, I'm not the only one in this thread who expressed skepticism.

Wrong again.

Good point about the Secret Service but I hardly think that being a doctor makes one exempt from assholery. It's been my experience that doctors, journalists, attorneys and college professors often think they deserve special treatment.

I'm saying that she was not allowed to enter an area because she did not have proper credentials. That might cause someone to become angry and make up a story.

AcmeIndustrial has no (apparent) motivation to lie.

OK, that definitely makes a difference if it was rentals or DCPD. Fair enough.

I did consider her story and based on the (admittedly) bare bones of the story recounted here I think it sounds over the top even for racist cops. If it is true I hope a witness comes forward and the guy gets fired.

That is terrible.

That's nice, thanks for coming by and offering nothing to the conversation except name calling. As usual. lol

I will later.

Maybe you should comment on YouTube. You certainly seem to have the profane name calling down.

So you do know minorities who have lied about discrimination.

That is certainly a valid POV.

Why, because you expect everything on planet Earth you have a problem with to just disappear? Get over yourself.