
Let no one ever say Jalopnik does not provide practical consumer advice.

Always carry a chain for those surly bicyclists!

Appropriate username


I don’t think car enthusiasts, or at least people who like older cars or like to restore them should ever live in a neighborhood with an HOA. Not a condemnation of HOAs, they do have their purpose and can be quite helpful when there is a real issue. However, it seems that HOAs are fundamentally incompatible with

I must say, these articles have made me even more cautious about using Autopilot now. Not because I’m scared of the system, but because I don’t want my goddamn name and what I was doing while driving plastered all across the interwebs.

Congrats on the engagement Doug! You know...after marriage comes kids, so I can’t wait for the “What Minivan Should Be The Next Doug Car?” article.

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

That’s what she said.

Joke’s on them, I’ve been putting glue in my cereal for years.

Like a champ, still got it

Of course it was designed before FCA - it’s successful on the marketplace.

Depends what you’re hunting.

I know you were trying to make things better with the video, but imagine the response if you had been holding the Australian Flag instead

It’s at least 12.

Only a face a mother could love.


If you can dodge an RPG, you can dodge a trailer hitch.

If you aren’t white be real polite.