Get a lawyer. Woman gets paid.
Get a lawyer. Woman gets paid.
I’ve seen that pattern before, winter is coming.
This is why “Made in China” applies to crap products.
Hail Hydra
Full tinfoil hat: Plot by Monsanto to remove all independently owned farms. It’s not like families will just re-fuckin’ plant crops once they are out of business.
The Grift is strong in this future Mar a Largo member...
I heard he is a lousy date too.
Stop feeding the troll!
Now you started it! This troll probably has this template on stand-by for any position. Mark my words; QF will be a-trollin’
That’s the MO for Right-to-Lifers too, save the unborn but not give a fuck after birth.
Thank you
He’s lying. His “saying what others are saying” is the voices in his head. Get out of the gene pool you idiot.
Get thee to the fainting bed!
Do that today? Nothing. It will all be called “fake” and we will be moving on to the next story.
...or go straight to your gun store before they ask for your party papers.
Decaf and deep breaths for 1 minute.
“LMGDAO here! Incognito is a walking time bomb yet...he’s still playing in the NFl. When he really goes..All the Way off..(and he will), what kind of Spin will the NFl come up with then?”
“So you are a huge pro football player and want to desecrate your dad’s body, here ya go!”
Wait a sec, @ 7:18 he places it on 135 and lets it drop. She had to be at least a pound or two overweight considering how fast the scale dropped.
Ya know, this is exactly what a Troll Bot would say.