Say “Hi” bot to everybody! Everybody, this is bot.
Say “Hi” bot to everybody! Everybody, this is bot.
Welcome bot
Betcha he just bough a gun.
Could be wrong, not “would be” wrong. Check your sources. “According to a tweet”... (smh) you are an idiot.
The fuck “several”police officers at Starbucks? I’m sure they were off the clock too...
How about decaf?
If the question is there or not, don’t answer it.
If her name was Meghan Magillicuddy she would be on a sofa watching FOX.
Any new driver should consider learning late at night to gain confidence: little to no traffic, said traffic has lights on (no surprises), kids asleep (no darting into the road), and if you mess up there is nobody to see it!
“ front of ME” (better)
They have video, and still gave bail? WTF!
We are told he is rehashing the same ‘ole lies again. I believe it because I see it on TV for myself. So you would think that after all this time of hearing the same shit lies over and over, interviewers should call it out LOUD. Why be nice about it? Why use bullshit euphemisms? We are waaay beyond being nice and…
“Specifically, he singled out Chris Mattei, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut who now represents the families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting”
Posters, shame, patronizing hand clapping; look out trump and GOP!
Now I hope this guy wants to buy a custom made cake from that “religious”asshole in Colorado.
Did you not recall the $15 mil not spent (or never will be)? I can live with calling me stupid all day while I drop off the money in my Cayman Is. account.
There are guys who are attracted to morbidly obese women too, but I don’t judge. Unless of course “kissing a giant pile of orange shit” is a thing, gross.
Any Floyd Mayweather fight?
You can fix that by replacing “others have” with “Obama”
“... well if you understand it, please tell me in the comments”