But in the context, Marty is equating ‘cinema’ with ‘high art.’ It would be like your chef saying “burgers are not fine dining,” which like with Scorsese’s take is open to the interpretation of the individual.
But in the context, Marty is equating ‘cinema’ with ‘high art.’ It would be like your chef saying “burgers are not fine dining,” which like with Scorsese’s take is open to the interpretation of the individual.
They most certainly have that right.
I think this is a slightly pessimistic reading of the situation. Slightly. Taiwan and Hong Kong are not in the same situation and the difference in scale just in terms of land mass and the amount of water separating the two entities is enormous. Plus HK doesn’t have an independent military like Taiwan.
Did you do that when you were hired for whatever you do for a living?
Oh the kids definitely know where it comes from lolol
On the other hand, maybe we give humans too much credit in terms of mythical “intent” and “moral choices”. One of the things economists have been discovering is that it is a bad assumption to assume that humans are rational and make choices based on intellect rather than emotion. We are animals with somewhat larger…
Fuck this shit.
Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't…
She hosted Big Brother and The Weakest Link, and I’m now realising both of those may have been off the air since you came here and now I need to sit down ...
I hadn't given a shit about the Carters since the early 2000s and came in fully prepared to mock this article but whoa I gotta say this story went places.
Once? Once? In which paradise livest thou?
Sometimes it hits in the early 70s. For example, one of these hypothetical old people might confuse “Alabama” with “the Bahamas” and then spend a couple weeks saying he didn’t.
Especially when MSG is delicious and occurs naturally in foods like Parmesan. It’s unfunny AND racist AND unintelligent.
You stare for exactly 3.5 seconds, and slowly walk away.
Hopefully the poor soul can finally feel his face.
One prize went to a degenerate criminal clown who attracts ambitious actors dabbling in sociopathy. The other went to a Batman villain.
Well, one of them admitted to and was convicted of statutory rape and then fled the country before sentencing, and the other one was accused of sexually assaulting a minor but never convicted of anything.
So this article is just going to be on kinja’s preview up top forever, I guess?
As long as you have high levels of Midi Chlorians you can be a Jedi. Its all about the Midi Chlorians
You have to understand - this large building was not designed to shelter against adverse weather. It was designed to shelter against taxes.