Perhaps those of us with sons could also take it to heart so that boys feel supported pursuing whatever they want.
Perhaps those of us with sons could also take it to heart so that boys feel supported pursuing whatever they want.
I participate in a male-dominated sport. And I can’t even count all the times some guy has said to me, “The only reason that move worked on me was because you caught me off guard.”
Most top flight racers came from boatloads of cash. Many still had lots of family members in the sport - look at the current Formula 1 field. That’s the reality of it. She is no different from the rest of them and the fact that she’s capable of doing all of this while also studying to be an engineer at goddam…
My wife and I are days away from having our first kid and it’s going to be a girl. I can’t wait to show her stories like this. My mentality is that if there is anything I hope to teach her it’s that she can do or be anything she wants to and tough has nothing to do with masculinity. Be proud, work hard, fail, get up,…
I’m always amazed that a technical and technique based endeavor like motorsports can harbor such primitive views of what it takes to succeed.
She’s the perfect storm. She’s pretty, has enough talent to sing into the right end of the mix, but enough people hate get so she can pretend to be the underdog, which people love. (Nobody likes a success story, so the ultimate success is succeeding at pretending to be a failure)
death note was localized, no?
personally i came because of the incest
I can understand Taylor not being on Kanye’s radar. He’s incredibly busy cutting holes in Hanes sweatshirts and being ignored by the fashion industry. If anyone understands being off radar, it’s Kanye.
Yes Kanye was just minding his own business and is a true victim. Try harder.
as opposed to all the other current popstars who reinvent themselves all the time? yeah, the work of art that are Katy Perry songs, for example, is just unparalleled. or her cultural appropriation or support of Clinton, done for media points only. come on.
Are you actually familiar with her body of work? I’m not a fan of her, per se – I don’t really care for her public persona, wouldn’t ever attend shows, etc – but I’ve enjoyed a few songs off each of her albums, and I’m baffled by your assertion. At 20, she was writing songs like “Love Story” and “You Belong With Me,”…
Or maybe songwriters write songs to heal. All the songwriters I know do this. It’s conveniently blind to ascribe this behavior to only Taylor Swift. And what makes you think she collects people when they are successful and discards them when they go through hard times? How do you know this? Who has she discarded?…
I have no idea why people are siding with Kanye. I know he’s mentally ill but he treated her awfully. He freaked out about her award (then lovely gracious Beyonce gave up her award time), he wrote a creepy song about banging her, called her a bitch as a kid, made a creepy sex doll of her and put it naked with a Bill…
His song *did* demean her. I have never given even half a fuck if she did sign off on it. Kanye was super gross with that line. She is a manipulative little shit who enjoys her white woman victimhood status and her White Feminism, and we should all absolutely call her out on that bullshit, but can we stop acting like…
I still think the song sucks but the more I hear it the more I find the chorus kind of listenable. But I really, really think this is the sort of dark but fun video that Katy Perry is always trying to go for (and fails at, miserably).
I love it. Big pop stars laying down big production bucks to go full camp is the best. I still wish she picked a better phrase than ‘look what you made me do’ but visually I enjoyed this.
Is that what you call putting him as the headliner on 4 FOX cards? 4 times he has been on a national network channel during primetime and still people complain that they didn’t do enough to promote him. He isn’t a fighter that fans react to (on a large scale) and no amount of money will change that. Tiny fighters…