There are many fitfluencers that will cater to your goals; just need to determine what exactly your fitness goals are first. ie. Is it just to get moving? To build muscle? To get more endurance? Improve cardio? etc.
There are many fitfluencers that will cater to your goals; just need to determine what exactly your fitness goals are first. ie. Is it just to get moving? To build muscle? To get more endurance? Improve cardio? etc.
Andy may be Persian but he is undoubtedly white-passing and while that doesn’t necessarily mean that he identifies as White it also means that practically speaking he does not experience discrimination like POC who are not white-passing.
I understand the hatred for chefs and how self-important they can be because I’ve worked in the industry far longer than I’d like to but it’s worth pointing out that many kitchens and particularly more up-scale establishments run service like a drill sergeant because it is a pretty reliable method of ensuring…
Jez kinda buried the lede here but that’s not really the reason for his resignation. The main reason he resigned is because of Sohla publicly calling out BA and Conde Naste for the unjust treatment and pay she receives. The photo was merely the matchstick rather than the fire.
Or possibly; they’re saving that as a reveal for a later point in marketing :)
The game is barely a year old lol.
I’m a slave to CC because I’m Asian, we watch all our shows with captions on whether we understand the language or not.
TBF nearly every single other major news media out there gives it fantastic reviews; Variety, Guardian, Forbes, etc.
What is the alternative though? To remove this forum and outlet from the ED sufferers? Would than that ultimately be better than having this “safe space” for them to talk and joke about their conditions?
It’s tough though; it’s also probably the one place most of these people feel they can be 100% honest about their disorder without being judged and reprimanded. Like the piece suggests; this is an incredibly grey area with many pros and cons that can’t be easily removed from each other.
East Asians can get pretty pale naturally...
I overall enjoyed the movie and really appreciated how close to the source material they filmmakers kept the movie. In regards to Hugo’s end and the motivations behind it I did think they got it wrong or perhaps it was just tweaked to be more in line with American philosophies. But IIRC in the manga Hugo’s choice to…
It could be the case that the children were from a previous marriage or partner. In which case it might not seem too unreasonable for her to be labelled a “single parent” especially if the current partner was only recent.
Not disimilar to why people enjoy watching sports, dancing, game shows, etc. on TV.
Different Asian cultures have slightly different expectations for what the texture of a “proper” bowl of rice should be like.
Just finished my 4 year penance in the West Midlands; oh my gosh this fella is so wrong it’s amazing he typed that sentence out.
Judging from your demeanor perhaps a waiter pouring your wine for you is indeed not the best course of action; handing you a crowbar so you can pluck out the dead critter from up the inside of your arse seems far more appropriate.
I won’t argue that my boss is not stupid(I’m honestly up in the air on that one) but it also really depends what kind of establishment we are talking about. The service you receive from a high-end fine dining establishment(where generally you’re bottle of wine isn’t even in reach of you; the waiter has it on the side…
Thank you for your service in telling this asshole how it’s done.