*If*, and it’s a huge *if* he really is proposing, it’s not even in the same country, just the same continent. If William had proposed in London, would that mean Harry wouldn’t be able to propose anywhere in the British isles?
*If*, and it’s a huge *if* he really is proposing, it’s not even in the same country, just the same continent. If William had proposed in London, would that mean Harry wouldn’t be able to propose anywhere in the British isles?
Right now this Twitter account is doing God’s work:
Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.
why is it always inbred looking people always touting about them being the supreme race
Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.
Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.
If she is a mindless tool, she’s probably one of those badass ones like a sledgehammer or a pneumatic drill or a flamethrower.
This has done more to move her from “sweetheart” to badass than anything else could have.
On why the front of her skirt was not lifted:
I would think given Overwatch is a game about diverse characters from around the world, this initiative has probably been around for some time within the company, and now was a opportune moment to tell everyone else.
But the issue is that hirers will often be biased against women or minorities - often not because they are evil or misogynistic people, but due to their inbuilt biases that tell them “tech is for white guys” or “it is more normal for men to work in tech than females”.The idea of diversity initiatives is to combat this…
You are projecting a lot on a very neutral and straight-forward headline, friend.
Did you just... try and nullify all lesbians by stating that guys are turned on by them? Can you objectify us a little harder please?
I find it weird that he didn’t even apologize to his ex assistant in this note. He spends the entire “apology” repenting to what seems like the world and doing his own damage control. He said something totally debasing about one specific person and he doesn’t even think to address her specifically? Bro, bye.
He looks like an older Daniel Craig (which is weird because Daniel Craig has an old face).
Well first, that’s not what this article is about. They are talking about trying to get more candidates into the hiring process, not establishing quotas to hire more women or minorities.
Seems like really convenient PR boasting timed shortly after the whole Google employee manifesto thing.
All of this sounds like a great idea. It seems more like they’re trying to bring more women into the spotlight for being candidates for a job rather than intentionally hiring women to be more diverse. Which is the right way to do it. Seeking out diversity and making the workplace a better environment for everybody is…
Awesome. I always hope with good representation in their games follows the same standard with hiring, but always assume the worst.
Blizzard couldn’t be a nicer seeming company from how open they are about the development process and balance decisions to their customer service being incredibly charming. Props to them for seeing a chance to boost that positive image in the wake of googles internal memo disaster. This is some devious but nice stuff