
You have an awfully warped view on reality...

In the interview she did hint strongly at the fact that she’s been on the same show for 7 years. It kind of gave me the impression that she’s been possibly sick of acting; she’s been at the acting game for a long time and she was a B-list celebrity at best and that’s if you’re being very generous. Her career wasn’t

Lemme fix that for you:

TBF if there was ever any film which could even remotely use this defense; Mother! would be it. The film was intentionally made to be the opposite of a common understanding of “enjoyable”.

I wholeheartedly agree with you overall but one of my character flaws is a tendency to play devil’s advocate unfortunately.

Except sheep bred for wool do need to be sheared because their modern commercialised forms are the results of hundreds, if not thousands of generations of selective breeding by humans.

It pains me to see you put so much thought and effort into being sincere and eloquent about this issue; knowing that most of the responses will just be “they all suck, remove them all”. Because nuance and considerations of the long-term political and social effects is apparently “making excuses for predators” around

I don’t think it’s hard to reconcile with the fact that many these people are sincere on both counts. They genuinely believe homosexual acts are immoral yet succumb to their very real urges for it; some more often than others. For these people their continued efforts to legislatively curtail the LGBTQI community

I wouldn’t call her soulless; she selfishly sold out her conscience by espousing hatred and harmful “news” on a network for over a decade for the price of tens of millions of dollars per year.

I always knew Xi Jinping was a savvy and ruthless statesman for the greater good of his people. Nothing exemplifies this more than the cruel yet necessary act of cutting two whatever starlets down to ensure everyone can admire Harry Styles’ brilliance for a few more minutes.

Oh, I’m not diminishing the realities of the “less affluent” in first-world countries. It was more of a tongue-in-cheek jibe at the irony of modern capitalism which creates classes in society where we are comparably fortunate to those in most other countries but are also technically destitute and without options due

Oh definitely agreed. It’s pretty much the same here in Australia where everything is priced way over the affordability of even the upper brackets of median income. Unless of course we want to move to the sparse regional towns but for most people that grew up in the cities it’s just not a very realistic long-term

Don’t ever come to Australia....

Ugh, Jezebel. Stop trying to make me fall in love with this woman because I’m pretty sure I don’t need any help with that.

Apparently Western Sydney was by far the bastion of “no” votes in both %age and pure quantity. Like, more than all the Nationals voting rural electorates supposedly filled with bogans.

You have no idea but labor costs in Australia is comparatively stratospheric to other countries like the US. Especially on unskilled labor which is what a lot of this mail survey would’ve used.

Brits, Kiwis and South Africans all also have a culture of eating something similar to vegemite such as Marmite.

Yeast is considered vegan now? Tell that to my friends please...

Honestly, I thought it was mostly done gracefully and every use of it had utility beyond mere sexual and/or aesthetic gratification.

Part of the point though is the fact that this world is a Dystopia with a capital D; commodification of sex and objectification of women SHOULD be what we see in this world. It would probably be more worrying if we don’t consider these things to warrant the term dystopia, no?