
I thoroughly enjoyed how Joi’s nudity wasn’t explicitly exploited until near the end when and where it’s been robbed of all humanity and sexuality; serving only as a painful and perverted experience to remind K about his loss and melancholy.

I Love You, Daddy was pretty much entirely self-funded by Louis C.K. so the distributor/studio isn’t losing too much sleep over its lost. Probably one of the reasons they cancelled its release so quickly without a second thought as the allegations were published.

These shows tape in the afternoon so they rarely have time to write substantive pieces of same-days news. Check back on their coverage tomorrow and the next few days and we can have a fair comparison for how each late night host is dealing with the Louis C.K. allegations.

It certainly helps that on the current incarnation of TDS; he is one of the few and sometimes the only white male face among a sea of color.

I actually really enjoyed that episode...

Gibson isn’t exactly in the same category as Weinstein et al though. Well, not yet so we shall see.

I hope this turns out to be a great PR boost for the film when it releases and does bonkers at the Box Office.

Let’s take it to the logical conclusion then; is ALL hate crime deserving of life imprisonment? If yes; then fine, vilify the person for eternity because it won’t make a dent on society.

This idealistic and righteous mentality about “criminals” that permeates American culture is one of the reasons why the current US prison system is the way it is and will probably continue to be.

OTOH; it can also come across that they have built a good rapport with their young stars because this is how 80% of social bonding happens at that age... and sometimes older too.

I also don’t particularly like Seinfeld but did enjoy Colbert’s recent interview with him.

Now playing

Counter-point: Miguel is pure sex and he makes that lyric work

I’m straight and I’ve had gay men do a quick grab of my crotch and/or ass before while at a gay bar and I don’t have any lingering trauma...

The sad truth though is that this “aggressively British” behaviour isn’t particularly British at all and only comes off that way due to their silly accents and mannerisms.

Just because I suffer from mental conditions I feel the need to point this out; evidence points towards ephebophilia or possibly hebephilia at most. Both those things are differing degrees of “wrong” but pedophilia they definitely are not.

The film’s been finished as far as the director’s concerned over 2 years ago. It’s just been the studio and editing wunderkinds who have been trying to salvage it over the last 700 days but evidently they have all failed.

But it was a money-earner and no reasonable person should be surprised that it didn’t break the $600m line world-wide(oh the horror of only making $500m+). Period war films don’t play in the billion-dollar stratospheres of box-office.

I wonder the mainstream audience reaction to how all the main cast of women in that trilogy have had a significant portion of their characters formed through their experience of being sexually assaulted and raped by men.

I feel you should give the whole trilogy a go but otoh;

Every single book takes you into (and for the most part, leaves you in) a pretty melancholic state where everything is absolute shit but there’s always a glimmer of hope in the piles of turd. They are absolutely brutal but they do say something important about how to persevere in adversity, ie. How to remain hopeful