
Bmw's been wandering for 2 decades.  They're done.  

If you put your thumb over the 2 on the right, you can see BMW design wins. Everything after that has been 1 disappointment after another.

It’s another disappointing BMW design.  They're on a 2 decade roll of this nonsense.  

Remember that the party that most profits the most per gallon of gas in California is the state itself.

Settle down, Beavis.

Thanks for being part of the solution.  Just.... wow.

Gotta get that CEL sorted, unless you are planning on not registering it.  Just for entertainment purposes, you should post the list of codes the car is throwing.

You win.  Congratulations!  Best comment here.

There were 2 great things about the ad:

I used to have a middle finger drawn in MS Paint for slideshow stories.  Does anyone have any suggestions on an equivalent program for Macs?  This comments section needs at least one middle finger.

“then it doesn’t affect you so why do you care?”

Most annoying? Easy. Forward collision warning systems that hit the brakes WAAAYYYYY too early. I encountered this last year with a Ford product. Truly awful.

I could live with 300 miles, but yup, this is what is needed for my use case in So. Cal.

I see slideshow. I skip to comments. I trash slide show.

Let’s say you can get one that’s been a demo and get it for $58k. Add in tax and 3% interest over 60 months, and your payment is about $1100/month.

You should try the last gen SQ5 with the supercharger.  Completely opposite acceleration feel, even though this one is quicker.  The acceleration in the old SQ5 was RIGHT NOW.  If you’re gonna boost an engine, just do it right.

Thanks for taking the time to describe your experience with the SQ5 and the Macan. I came close to buying an SQ5 - the prior generation - a few years ago, but thought it rode almost too firm. It was definitely quick enough, but I just couldn’t get past the price and what would likely be lots of out of warranty issues.

Maybe. What insight do you have in the auto business that leads you to your conclusion and does your knowledge trump Toyota’s knowledge.  I’ve heard they have a few people on staff that are paid to understand trends.  Not that they’re perfect, but how does your knowledge compare to theirs?

HHH money was supposed to cover this as well. So there are 2 funding sources earmarked for the same expenses. There is no publicly made accounting of this money.

“The ACSE gives American infrastructure a D+ rating, because our ports, roads, bridges, pipes, electrical grid, culverts... fucking everything is falling apart. Why? Because we don’t pay enough property taxes to maintain it.”