
The source article is just a blurb, but the original CNN article that Newser cites is just full of what. []

@lalie (apologetic mess): Good luck and stay strong. Dealing w/ parents is so much easier when not living w/ them. Only nine months!

It has begun: bathtub Four Loko.

@bigbensweiner: There was a big thing in the Times about how New York is losing over a billion dollars a year in taxes to black market cigarettes because we have the highest tobacco taxes in the US. Legit cigarettes are $12 a pack now. I can buy packs from bodegas on my block for $5 or $6. So, yeah, heartily seconding

@Aesop's Foibles.: Totally agree. And marijuana actually contains zero carcinogens, they're only produced by burning it. So eating or vaporizing weed = no carcinogens at all.

Brb, registering and setting up a fake online shop.

@Penny: A 16-ounce steak was like 4 ounces back then.

@lalie (apologetic mess): Woo! Rep the Also this would be a great time for you to gloat on Facebook.

@lalie (apologetic mess): Woo! Rep the Also this would be a great time for you to gloat on Facebook.

@kitty kilgore: Mamonova's work sounds perfect, thanks! And I would be interested in the article. No apologies necessary, trying to learn all I can!

@lrobs: Oh wow. This is awesome and I have a lot of googling to do. Thanks!

@SwishSwishSpit: Thank you! I'd love if you could recommend a few more, fiction or nonfiction, if you wouldn't mind. It's a topic I'd like to research in some depth but in which I have no foundation. I'm mostly interested in the years under Brezhnev and earlier, but anything you could recommend would be super awesome.

This may be kind of out of left field, but... does anyone know any good books about the history of feminism and/or feminist thought in Soviet Russia? Google is basically telling me that thanks to shortages of men because of the world wars and communist ideas about the value of work, most women were regularly doing

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: I never saw one of those commercials, so I googled "Bing commercial" and opened one on YouTube. Take that, Microsoft!