
@TophBeiFong: You don't owe him anything, especially because he's the boyfriend of someone who's only been living with you for four days. If you want to be nice/amicable, until Jan. 1 is totally reasonable, and after that he should either have to bounce or pay something (utilities, food, something), whichever you and

@alison.wonderland: Going to second najmah. Your mood says it all! The confidence and nonchalance you displayed told him either you're of age or at least old enough to handle yourself with alcohol. Locale has a lot to do with it too. I don't know anyone who's ever been carded at a bodega/liquor store in my

@Mecharine: It doesn't say that, though. "He did not comply with her appeals to stop" doesn't read as "she said no and he convinced her to reconsider," it reads "she told him to stop and he did not." And in the sentence "they had sex anyway" the word "anyway" means in spite of something, and it's unclear whether sex

"He did not comply with her appeals to stop unless he wore a condom. They had sex anyway."

Stabler: How did it go viral?

@Breathe: I use Demonoid, but I think registration is closed at the moment. I'm sure Mad Men is on Pirate Bay though; nearly everything else is. Def DL Mad Men, it is so good. So good.

@kittyclaws: I am, can't waaaait. I don't want to say anything b/c I can't edit the orig post to warn for spoilers, but the whole thing in the last ep of 3? I was like... freaking out and dying of awesome. This torrent cannot torrent itself fast enough.

I know I'm a little late to this party, but my roommate and I just finished Mad Men season 3, and HOLY SHITBALLS. Season 4 download starts... now.

@iloveastone: My story won't really help you... an old flame of mine and I started talking after a year of estrangement. I mentioned I was thinking of moving to New York, they mentioned they had a roommate looking to get out of the lease, I moved at the end of the semester.

@AllTheWay_Mae: I imagine her stoned off her ass when she got the semi-homemade idea. "Ughh I'm starving, but cooking would take forever... unless..."

My reaction: Ha, ruffles, that's some funny hyperbole describing those folds, Jez. The clothes actually look kind of cute, let's just click this link and see what the bigger images look—

@eruantaliel: Oh well I feel dumb now. I thought it was Governor when talking to them, former Governor when talking about them, even in the present. My b.

I am totally willing to let Sarah Palin think her communications degree qualifies her to clean up journalism as long as, by the same logic, she decides to stay out of politics until she gets a political science degree.

@herbie: What pisses me off is that this is the first experience a lot of men have had with being groped, and instead of sparking an honest dialogue about how terrible it is for women to be sexually harassed/assaulted in general society and how to change that, a lot of men are treating groping like something that's

@GREGORYABUTLER10031: No, these TSA pat-downs are way more invasive than they are in Central.

1AM phone call I received: "Yo, (person) wants to know if you want to make a MESS."

@boxspelunker: I've been staring at your gif for five minutes, watching those guys dance to Girl Talk.

@fiddlestix: I looked around other Bandcamp artists' pages, and all of them, when you mouseover a track a download link appears. But not this one. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, I just think they have downloading disabled.