
Yeah. It's a damn shame she got all that money and never even made any vide—

Or the Republicans. They claim membership in an organization that, until at least the 2030s, was officially racist.

Yeah, exactly.

Feminism is about gender equality. The vast majority of people who think otherwise tend to have a very warped understanding of what feminism actually is.

"As a male who is opposed to feminism in favour of gender equality"

Y'all are missing the fucking point. "There's no sexism: the devs merely trotted out their important employees, who all just so happened to be men" is not a valid argument. The problem isn't some nefarious plot by Sony to keep women off the stage. The problem is that AAA dev teams, and especially positions of

Or you could just wait a few days...?

This story would make more sense if it included The Pirate Bay's official statement:

Any young person who claims they don't know the risks is lying, but there are plenty of smokers who know the risks and just don't care.

OMG NEW IDEA: OkCupid account that pipes messages into and responses out of Cleverbot.

Only a few more degrees of separation and the spammers will tell us how to earn $9464 a week like Kevin Bacon.

You're right that they aren't mutually exclusive, but I don't think homophobia applies here necessarily. Judging from some of her other tweets, part of her argument is about destigmatizing the word to rob it of its power to hurt people. Particularly this exchange...

Thank you for this.

Yeah, it just feels really... disjointed. I don't mind any of the three parts individually, but they feel like fragments of three different songs put next to each other.

No one necessarily needs to be punished (corporate personhood and limited liability prolly make this impossible anyway.) But, at the very least, bringing corporations to trial for massive damages has a net positive effect on their industry as a whole by making risk uncertain. If a board/CEO know they can break the law

Streamers and LPers of both sexes are entertainers. Sure, there are some women whose primary draw is their sex appeal (and that's ok!) But there are plenty of both sexes who attract their audience based on their skill, their personality, their lightheartedness, their sense of humor, their short tempers, whatever.

If you'd read her review, she spent most of it tearing this game apart in grand style.

Her emotional range beats the hell out of "I react to everything, from the mundane to the world-shattering, in the same dull, disinterested monotone" Manshep.

I... what? It's not arguable. "Old" is an adjective...

Yeah, but that's my point. Churn networks like CNN and content farms like HuffPo occupy a weird middle ground that isn't relevant to me. They have very little worth saying but a lot of time/space they need to fill by saying something. But Twitter is so fast that (wrt news) nothing of substance can be said, and it