
Huh. I dunno if this is a generational thing, or if it's just me and the people I know, but...

"And who knows? Digital watches giving way to something even more precise can only be a matter of time."

While I agree (save for the pro-X bias any mainstream media from Country X carries), that only counts for so much in this day and age. I read the NYT fairly regularly, but the minute it becomes too cumbersome to bypass their paywall, I'm gone. News isn't worth paying for anymore.

Kusanagi: Well, I guess cyborgs like myself have a tendency to be paranoid about our origins. Sometimes I suspect I am not who I think I am, like maybe I died a long time ago and somebody took my brain and stuck it in this body. Maybe there never was a real me in the first place, and I'm completely synthetic like that

"How this supposed non-planet can have so many moons is beyond me."

If you're talking about a freedman being given a job on a farm, that's one thing. But it's clear that's not what you're talking about, as our hypothetical freedman wouldn't need to go through the Underground Railroad or escape to freedom.

I'm defining everyone who owned slaves as slaveowners. Not all black people were slaves: more than 10% were legally free in 1850. Their lives were still incredibly dangerous whether they stayed in the South or moved to the North, and their legal protections were slim at the very best, but they weren't anyone's

"Guise" or no, they were still legally property, and those that were treated well received that treatment on the condition that they be subservient. Regardless of their treatment, they had only as much autonomy as their owner gave them, and this could be revoked at any time. Their owner could have them beaten or

Did you not read the paragraph containing the sentence monstermadeofeyes quoted? Django Unchained didn't open the author's eyes to the horrors of slavery, but to the ways in which the slaveowners justified it. This is something history classes to tend to ignore in favor of economic and political reasons why the

Re: Several comments arguing that Pokemon actually "enjoy" their lot in life.

You do realize this is the same argument that slaveowners made in the 1850s right.

Well you're just looking at the games, I always liked the reading that they were meant to be VR game worlds. I mean it'd explain so much... absence of non-Pokemon-based economic activity, Pokemon trainer as the highest-prestige career in society, etc.

Someone posted a more zoomed-out pic; she has a Wii too.

Now we just need a male account who only responds with quotes from the Colonel AI in MGS2 after it collapses into incoherence. A match made in heaven.

I'm still hoping for Legend of Link someday. Zelda as the playable character. Link ends up looking similar and getting similar items in most of the games, but Zelda has way more flexibility (Sheik in OoT, Tetra in WW, black cloak in Twilight Princess.) Would be a lot of room to do something interesting w/ that.

Whoa, they put so much work into detail!

"Only the racist sees racism."

Maybe thinking of "Bullet for My Valentine."

"A sinkhole [...] is a natural depression or hole in the Earth's surface caused by karst processes — for example, the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffosion processes in sandstone. [...] Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide."

A superb troll post. 10/10, would read again.