
@rosie.the.riveter: Have fun and good luck! And remember, a drink or two can do wonders for the nerves!

@I am Kirok!: Glad to hear you're ok. Sending good thoughts.

@Oleander: I do. When I was a teen, I fought with my mother all the damn time. Like, hardcore crazy fights. I'd probably lay the blame 50/50 on us in retrospect. But after I moved out, everything got rosy. She started treating me as an adult and not as a kid, and I gained a lot of perspective on how... while some of

@margeh: It's about proving masculinity by transforming women into objects. Some men (some of the "hey beautiful" ones, not the "nice tits" ones) may not realize what they're doing, but most of them know full fucking well. It's to remind women that the man is the subject, and the woman is just the object to be judged

@SomeAuthorGirl: Not yet! My last two "major" reads were 760 and 1100 pages, so I'm giving my brain some chill-out time on shorter books. But I'll def do Anathem or Baroque for my next marathon read with a recommendation like that. Thank you!

@SomeAuthorGirl: Oh man. I so agree on how good he is. Have you read The Diamond Age yet? Holy shit on a redwood it was amaaaaaaazing. I sooo want to read Baroque Cycle but its length is really intimidating.

I just wanted to say that I'd love to see MoGlo take over the other 50% of the weekend. Nine out of ten dentists agree: her posts are awesome. (the tenth dentist is just kind of a dick)

@vikkybee: Tie between "Wuthering Heights" and "Against the Day." Both of them, when I finished and put them down, my brain was like "holy fucking wow."

@Hooplehead: UPS is the worst. I had to travel out to Canarsie (industrial district on the other side of Brooklyn from me) and drag all my heavy computer shit on the train when they failed to deliver. Because they went to the wrong damn address three times.

@Calisee: Your schedule sounds awesome! I always book a Thanksgiving trip to see the folks months in advance, so I can be one of the few lucky souls to weasel out of working Black Friday.

@Polyandthenomials are on tour: "Baby, you and me could be like f(x) = x^2. There's only one real solution, it's rational, and no input will ever return a negative value."

@anteup lost her pizazz: I'm looking at the lecture notes and it's all Greek, haha. Think I'd better wait till I actually get to this class. Thank you though! Heartclick'd.

@bananafishtoday: Also, I hate logs so much that I'm procrastinating on studying for my precalc exam by watching calc lectures I barely understand. I am the best procrastinator ever.

So I'm watching MIT lecture videos about derivatives, and I dunno if it's how calc is done or just how this guy teaches it, but he really likes theorems and really doesn't like numbers. Instead of doing equations with numbers, it's all variables, and it's like "Ok symmetry theorem, x and y are the same thing. Binomial

Hubba hubba.

@rowingrowingrowing: "Innerexatrisi... aw, shucks, just another rich liberal word meanin' they want to kill all the babies or somethin'."

@TheGreekGeek: I imagine Barack reading the news on his Blackberry (while smoking a cigarette!) and stumbling upon a story about Palin. "Honey, honey! Listen! You're not gonna believe this shit!"

@la.donna.pietra: Honestly, Palin's book is bound to be so terrible that posting scans, even if they're completely altered, should be fair use due to parody.