
@RandomFrequentFlierDent: Oh btw! We watched "La lengua de las mariposas" in my Spanish lit class and you might want to take a look. It's set in '36, just as the Republic is falling apart and the Fascists are coming to power. The plot itself is a standard bildungsroman and the symbolism is reeeeeally heavy-handed (I'm

@RandomFrequentFlierDent: Huh! I get exactly what you mean about it being depressing, but only because you mentioned it. I thought it was a nice outcome for humanity. Like Vonnegut's "out" that we need to avoid extinction. (I mean, compare/contrast with the ending of "Cat's Cradle. Ha!) It is awesome that we drew two

@girlwithoutahero: No book ever took me longer than "Infinite Jest" to finish. I slowed down to a crawl after the first 200 pages. The tennis discussions were killing me. Spent maybe two months getting to 500 or 600, but after that I picked my pace back up and it became an obsession. Sooo worth it.

@pissiechrissie: Raymond Carver's "Cathedral." On my writing prof's half-recommendation. When she handed back my latest thing, basically about familial strife, she chuckled and said "This was great. Why aren't you reading Carver?" His stories are good! But the Hemingway-esque short, declarative prose gets in the way

@blueVamp: "So, what motivates you, gets you out of bed in the morning? What are your passions? What do you want to do with your life?"

Hey, Texas Republicans. If you hate big government so much, why not pull out of the Federal highway program, come up with an alternate program for that?

@pyriccrash: ReCaptcha works by giving you a "known" word which acts as the captcha, and an "unknown" word which it's trying to crowdsource text for. If you typed mranoe gfgfxffx, you would pass the test.


@MercurialGirl: You can tell what kind of pedophiles they've been texting by the colors of their bracelets!

Other commenters have said it, but it's probably just the act of looking at an LCD screen. An LCD screen flashes 60-75 times a second. Your eye can't perceive the flashes, but it stimulates the hell out of your brain.

@Armer Farmer: Sorry. :( I know where you're coming from though, and I hope you find something that works for you!

@Armer Farmer: Oh, I'm not cool either! ("scared to start a conversation? ha, you lame-o!")

@Armer Farmer: DIY = do-it-yourself. Music venues that kids set up in abandoned warehouses, basements, etc.

@Armer Farmer: It's not legit charity work in my case, but I volunteered at a DIY venue and met a ton of great people that way. I've always had a huge problem meeting people, and my biggest hangup is terror at starting a conversation without a pretense. Like, "I want to talk to you, but I have no reason to, so you'll

@slighthyperbole: Oh man, you are so set. Those Peruvian hats are dope. I love winter because I get to wear so many things! I don't care if I look like a little Poindexter, I do love me my V-neck sweaters plus button-down shirts. Hats, gloves, coats, scarves, winter is awesome.

@slighthyperbole: Totally seconded. Whenever I felt depressed (lonely), I used to go clothes shopping (by myself!). But I nurtured an infatuation with frugality, so now I feel great when I refuse to spend money on things.

@wealhtheow: Fuck the dominant paradigm! I'm drinking, and my glass is raised.

@wealhtheow: I feel like it's 201o up in the internet. I recall a thread about sexual assault (don't remember which) from Jez that somehow got crossposted on Deadspin. The comments were horrifying. I was thinking it was just because it was crossposted to Deadspin. Then I thought it would have been just as bad if it

@Ms Meghan is Reppin' the Triforce: Googled a bit, taken from ehow: "Due to its shrimp content, red curry paste is usually not advisable for anyone who strictly adheres to a kosher diet. Curry powder, however, is usually safe." Yeeeah, no scales or fins in sight. :/ Sorry.