
@wealhtheow: I haven't been on the net today, so this is the first I've seen this post, and I only made it to the fourth comment before quitting in disgust. Paraphrasing, "I would not want to work with her because if I did anything to annoy her she'd accuse me of rape to get back at me because women toss those kind of

@Eldritch: Tell her the rules for birthday blow-out-the-candle wishes are the same as the rules for birthday presents: if you tell anyone what you want, you get nothing.

When these girls get older, they are going to play the most intense chess EVER.

Just looked up election results. 79 Dem/129 Rep in the House so far. My goal tonight is to be too drunk to read election results before the Republicans get a majority in the House. Sigh.

The Lost Generation.

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: Hearted like whoa. I always remind my friends that voting is important even if both candidates suck. If Group A's issues are neglected by both candidates, but Group A's turnout grows and grows every election, Group A's issues will inevitably be picked up by someone looking to win

@summerisnotaverb: I always wanted to do the Working Families thing on double-billed Dems, but I worried the votes wouldn't aggregate? Like I didn't know if I was just voting "John Doe" or voting "John Doe for This" vs. "John Doe for That."

@Ruby_de_la_Booby: Oh crap, Lincoln Chafee's running for Gov? That's dope. I grew up in RI, always really liked him. My parents give me an earful about how Carcieri is ruining the state every time I call.

@elliotellsworth: It varies state-to-state, but I'm in the same situation, and was in the same situation in 2008. In New York, at least, if you haven't changed your address with the DMV, your name will be on the list at that address's DMV. I just walked to my old polling place in '08 and voted there, and that's what

@slightlyflawed: See: Mansplaining in any catcall (aka sexual harassment) thread. "Why are you all complaining? I wish women would holler on the street at ME!"

@Dinosaurs and Nachos, girlfriend!: It's sad because the two columns go hand-in-hand. If the majority of men in an environment subscribe to Column A, they think men are to be doing the choosing, and women are to be chosen from. Women in this environment who adopt views from Column B increase their chances of being

Benevolent sexism should really be written "benevolent" sexism. The whole woman on a pedestal thing is bad enough with the whole "woman as passive object to be admired, man as active agent admiring an object" thing. But the flipside is that a woman is defined by her purity, andwith the loss of that purity loses her

@rixatrix (jezebel kink squad junior member): Thank you for linking this book! One of my sociology profs lectured a lot on some of these ideas (that the patriarchy started when men began acquiring property, and made women property to ensure the legitimacy of their heirs) so I'm familiar, but I've been looking to read

@SilentShout: "Your child has exhibited very odd behavior in my classroom, Mrs. Brown, and may be showing signs of schizophrenia. For instance, just today he told me he was "playing"—but I didn't seen an iPhone OR a Nintendo DS in his hands!"

Aww, this made my day! :) Thank you!

Cuddling with one person is nice. Cuddling with fifty people and spending ludicrous amounts of money to do it is my morning commute. No thanks.

@royalfan5: Just wait till they get popular in Sweden, as a new way to be mindful of others' boundaries American-style.