
Interestingly, because they don't need to have sex to "pay for a relationship," due to mutual disinterest, lesbian women never have sex.

@The Faery Goth Mother: Just let it flow! I finished a 60k word thing a few months ago and I got sooo many ideas just going that it's nothing how I envisioned it. The whole plot turned into something completely different, and a few walk-ons became central characters, and it just kinda... happened. Like I'd be writing

I forgot to change my address before the election, so my polling place is like a 30-45 minute walk from my apt. Gahh. Oh well, I'll be going to school on Tuesday morning really, really awake!

If this passes, I really hope the Feds don't involve themselves. The Supreme Court ruled just five years ago that medical marijuana is illegal, even if it's done totally intra-state, under the Commerce Clause. If California thinks it's going to be raking in billions of dollars in tax revenue, well, let's just hope

@the misanthropologist (aka heavymetalkarma): Yup. It was pretty much about race. Couple choice quotes from Henry Anslinger, first head of the Federal Narcotics Bureau and one of the big architects of the Marijuana Tax Act.

@Ailatan: Oh my God, I've never seen this site before. It is awesome. Goodbye, afternoon!

The ad pictured up top makes me angry on so many levels. The impression I get is that it means to present the (according to white US culture) pinnacle of chastity and all-American cuteness/cleanliness and say she's actually dirty. It means to trigger a thought like, "Well, if SHE'S a slut... ALL women could be sluts!

@tastypotatoes: Let me just preface this by saying I feel like a total loser for having done this math.

Yoko Ono is frequently demonized in our culture as the woman who ruined the Beatles and one of John Lennon's shirts.

@Baberaham Lincoln: Ha. I'm 23, so barring an incredible three-year collapse of generic products and the rise of store brands... guess I wasn't paying that much attention. But I think of simple one-word "Beer" as a before my time awesome thing, akin to smoking on airplanes or the social necessity of hats.

@token_liberal: Actually, I imagine the editors conceiving this article as a way to downplay the negative attention their first one received, while at the same time attracting thousands and thousands of pageviews from people outraged at the original article, a group I'd imagine don't normally read (aka generate ad

Late to the party, but.

This article made me laugh, because the bulk of CEO pay is usually in stock options (legally, stock options as compensation can be hidden from expense reports, and taxes on capital gains are far lower than on normal income). But something tells me the idea of getting paid in American Apparel stock isn't too appealing!

@Baberaham Lincoln: Oh man. I'm too young to remember the generic products before they became "store brands" but I would buy the shit out of that shit.

@OnlySlightyTrampy: Sorry to reply with nothing, trying to close your italic tag. :/

@Baberaham Lincoln: When buying products, if price and nutrition are pretty much equal across different brands, I buy the one with the shittiest packaging or fewest slogans. I like to think of it as my contribution to the demise of slick ad agencies, at least until I get the courage/frustration to start subverting

@anastasia beaverhousen: 87% of people who quote that phrase consistently use the same percentage every time they quote it, thus ironically making it one of the few statistics not actually made up on the spot.

@notverycreative: Yes, I have built all my comps. I never knew that OEMs disabled that shit! That's lame.

Before I opened and read this post, I went to Youtube and put on the FF4 Red Wings theme. I would drop everything for a chance to work on a pirate airship.