
@snownpaint1: Hope he doesn't see the pics on your Facebook when he conducts your job interview.

@Lupus_Yonderboy: The Market lists your paid apps when you wipe/buy a new phone. It'd be nice for the free ones too, though.

I was thinking about getting the G2 tomorrow, but now I'm not so sure. I mean... I'd rather buy a phone that's totally customizable.

@SlayBelle: I have a question about that, actually, if you know about this sort of thing. Do the people hooked up to the Nielson systems know that they are? I've always wondered about that. Because if the people knew they were being observed, they would naturally modify their behavior, and the results would be

@bowleserised: You just blew my goddamn mind. Seriously. I will now suspect every beloved children's author is a super spy who has seduced high-ranking female diplomats.

@Whigmaleerie: I will. :) The last time I saw her, we went to a casino and bet on the ponies. I hope I'm as cool as her when I'm 80.

@blyan-reloaded: IIRC they were one of the first American phones with a qwerty keyboard, if not the first. I worked at a phone store in an area of Manhattan with a sizable deaf community, and almost all of our deaf customers used Sidekicks. The keyboards were first-rate, and T-Mo allowed customers to forgo the voice

@MrRainMan: If you scratch up your glasses, your vision will be perfect.

@blyan-reloaded: To be fair, Sharp made the Sidekicks, so this isn't totally new ground for them. I don't know if they're a big cell manufacturer in Japan or not, but still.

@pixelsnader: "Right now, everything's physical. If you're feeling a little adventurous, with some basic electrical know-how you could climb the pole and shunt the electricity around the manual switch. Hell, bypass the meter if you want! Free electricity! With smart grids, you'd have to be a hacker genius to do this."

I think of my grandmother as a feminist. I asked her about it once, and she had no idea what I was talking about. She's not politically savvy either. But she's always been an empowered woman doing her own thing. She worked on a farm during the Depression. One of her favorite stories is how she used to drive the

@la.donna.pietra: I feel ya. I have a crush on Brigitte Helm in 1927.

AA was everyone's favorite company back when they were "Hey, we make tshirts in the US and pay our employees well!" They didn't even have advertising to speak of. I think this is back when they still just did wholesale. Word of mouth got everyone psyched about the company, and made their products desired. It helped

Having met a lot of people at shows (omg hipster alert!), I don't think the "super-elitist hate everything anyone else likes" stereotype is really that common anymore. Most everyone I've talked to is passionate about what they like and curious about what they don't know. I very rarely encounter the dismissive "Band X

@bieber: Eh, they sold out with this song. Their older albums are a lot better. Don't bother if you can't find it on vinyl though.

Oh man, just read the Jersey Shore letter by Helen Peters. I hadn't seen anything by her before. I just read every single post under her hashtag. She is awesome. And now I sleep.

@anteup lost her pizazz: One of my old roommates borrowed my pants all the time and told me the same thing. Hers were the same thing almost: skinny jeans, same waist, inseam, and hem width, but mine had more than a few extra inches on the rise. Weird.

@fataldistraction: Sorry to hear that, glad you're doing better now. I can't comment on what grad school's like, but it sounds like you have the right attitude about school, and I'm sure you'll do well.

@bananafishtoday: Sooo I'm not the smartest kid on the block. Friday night, I was working the door for a dance party at a local venue. Dead till midnight, packed by 1. Started emptying out around 5. Some guy on his way out gave me a little jug of some liquor concoction.