
My Friday in the reply. tl;dr: don't take drinks from strangers.

@fataldistraction: I can definitely second NellMood. A break can make all the difference. I dropped out of high school when I was 16 because I absolutely hated it. Everything about it made me furious and miserable. So I bounced, got my GED, and with the wisdom of a chair, I went immediately to college. Unsurprisingly,

@queenhobart: Haha, oh wow, I feel dumb. I lived in Raleigh for like six months, went to Cary all the time, and never noticed/knew this.

"In light of the last time capsule's failure, the city of Pittsburgh has announced a new strategy to avoid a similar disappointment 100 years from now. Instead of burying physical objects, authentic files from 2010 will be stored on the mayor's computer, under C:\My Dropbox\Do Not Open Until 2110."

@cisum88note: Visit his garage in the rain to find out!

Ick. I feel your pain. When I was a teenager, I decided to make my third piercing a Monroe. I worked at a big box store, so I made sure to check with my managers to see if a facial piercing would be ok. None of them had any qualms. A few of the other employees had labets, or lip rings, or whatever too. So I got it

@paperispatient (jez kink squad): Cartilage piercings can be rough. I used to have an industrial. It was swollen and infected for eight or nine months, even though I rotated it and swabbed with saline twice daily, every day. Once it finally healed, though, it never gave me another problem, and closed up fine when I

And to think, she only wanted to build a highway through Toontown...

I wish Giz had attached the dates from the source article to them. Some of these are over 150 years old. That's cool. But at first, I thought they were actually 100 years old, and I was unimpressed. Germany was sinking battleships with u-boats 96 years ago.

@PresidentKennedy: I can't find the article anywhere, but I remember reading that the city only gets back ~20% of the tax revenue it sends to Albany. The rest is used to prop up rural towns or whatever upstate. The city bankrolls the whole rest of the state, and we're on what, our third MTA doomsday budget crisis in

@JSharke: It's a hustle. They have "budget shortfalls" every damn year. And their books are closed to the public's (or anyone's!) scrutiny.

@silkworm: There was a three-day transit strike in '05 and it was practically a state of emergency. Estimated that businesses lost $1bn dollars in potential revenue. Taxi Commission had cabs stop using their meters and instead implemented a zone system for fares. Hundreds of thousands of people walked the bridges to

@CandyBacon: Fuck that, In-N-Out is awesome! I loved that place when I visited my friends in Cali. It's fast food, but it's delicious too.

@Goldbunny86: Ugh, seriously. I'm American but I'm half Irish, and I know what you're saying about St. Patrick's Day. It was never a drinking holiday in Ireland. It was a solemn religious day until the US turned it into a beer-fest stateside. Now it's been transformed into a drinking holiday over there largely due to

@Dialogue_Dub: Y'see, I'm colorblind, so I didn't know they were orange. I was about to comment the problem was that she's wearing a pair of Tims.

@summerisnotaverb: Yo, if my name was Otto I and this was the 10th century, I'd be going medieval on your ass right now. Literally!

@LadyLately: Major case of schadenfreude right here.

@RainbowBrite: Thanks. Btw, sorry bout your star. I saw the "complaints" threads. As if Jez wants a few hundred comments all saying "Great post! +1!" I've only been reading Jez on the regular for a few months, but I've learned more here, largely from the commenters, than any other site on the tubez. And many of the

@JoStockton: So I totally just got a mental image of a woman in a boardroom with a laser pointer and a Powerpoint projected on a pull-down screen, flipping through bar graphs, pie charts, and bell curves. Median penis sizes, orgasm rates measured in hertz, brow tightened and a red laser dot hovering over statistical