
@RainbowBrite: I wouldn't want to be one of the guys. Admittedly, it'd be even worse to be ranked low than high, but I wouldn't want to be on the list even at #1. I don't know exactly what, but something about this really disturbs me. I've been thinking about it a few minutes after reading your comment, but I'm still

@medopal: Don't be such a downer, man. That sounds so far.

@Standish: Christopher Reeve in the first Superman movie.

@aloix: I don't think it's a problem with "feminism" as a word, or a label for a school of thought. It only carries negative connotations because of men terrified of losing their privilege. A lot of the ideas require radical reevaluations of thought, and are distorted into insanity to make feminism look insane.

@MoxieBird: Oh man, was he ever mistaken. Men used to walk on the street side in cities before indoor plumbing was common/extant. The woman was afforded the spot under the awnings so as to protect her should someone empty their chamber pot out the window. The "save you from cars" thing he conjured up in his

@Chris Braak: Chivalry is sleeping with your lord and king's wife, rescuing her from being burnt at the stake, fighting a war in France, and retiring to a hermitage.

@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: The cave paintings always make me smile. Back before carbon-14 dating, anthropologists studying cave painting guessed at their dates based on the levels of naturalism in the depictions. They assumed the least realistic-looking paintings came first, and people gradually improved on

One of my exes and I fell into this sort of competition about paying for stuff sometimes. No "the man pays" or going dutch or alternating, we made it a contest. I remember one time, we were standing in line for movie tickets. She stood behind me, expecting me to buy one ticket. I bought two. When I handed her hers,

@CKD1: And at the same time you have people who say, "Well, not to be sexist, but... [sexist remark]." "Feminist" is viewed as a pejorative by a lot of people in much the same way, as a kind of pro-female sexism, and that shit pisses me off.

@Sunshineyness: Ugh, Best Buy employees are terrible. The power supply in my computer blew out a while back and I needed to get a new one. It's not the kind of thing a lot of people need to buy, so they were hidden in some corner, and I couldn't find them. I found an employee and asked, "Excuse me, do you sell power

@SkipErnst: 2a. When we fire our missiles, we know no intelligent life exists. At least not on Earth.

@SQLGuru: There's a 50/50 chance you're right about that.

What is this, found art day on Gizmodo?

@gemcosta: In an infinitely expanding universe where anything that can happen does, JLONG could have painted The Scream in 2004.

@WitteeFool: Yet, in spite of the probable reality, I still have this boyish dream in the back of my head where Obama, in his second term and therefore unconcerned with Republican smears in a reelection bid, delivers a rousing speech to a full session of Congress with the thesis, "Look. Keep doing what you've been

@staunchlymolly: Don't worry, a lot of Americans apparently don't know either.

@CynicalPink: This. Nixon's "Southern Strategy" (aka middle-aged white men terrified of civil rights) turned the South Republican for the first time since Reconstruction. He carried 32 states in '68, and would have won 37 if not for 5 that voted for 3rd party candidate George "Segregation Forever" Wallace. In '69 he

I'm a college student. When I filed my taxes two years ago, just after Bush vacated the White House, I got back a couple hundred dollars. Obama's stimulus bill added huge tax credits for tuition and books for students with AGIs below $80k. Last year, I got a few thousand dollars back from my tax return. Oh yeah, and

Whoa. I read this article, and to be honest, I just couldn't believe what she said.

I love T9. When I was a teenager, my first job was working food stands at a dog track. Tuesdays and Thursdays the dogs didn't run, so I'd have maybe 5 customers in an 8 hour shift. And let me tell you. Samsung X475. Unlimited text plan. AIM. I became a T9 beast.