One detail I’m surprised I’ve not seen anyone pick up on yet - it’s mentioned the Seventh Cavalry had a stash of “synthetic lithium” batteries that supposedly are cancerous.
One detail I’m surprised I’ve not seen anyone pick up on yet - it’s mentioned the Seventh Cavalry had a stash of “synthetic lithium” batteries that supposedly are cancerous.
Just think, when you die alone, you can look back on this comment and be proud.
Legacy of the Robert Redford administration
Man children gonna man child.
The fact that this show is being review bombed on both Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB complaining about ‘leftist soy-infused’ politics and ‘liberal woke race-baiting’ means it’s doing something right.
it must truly be difficult to live with an ant colony in your skull, my condolences
That was interesting how the final tableau of the sheriff hanging from the tree was a callback to the silent movie in the beginning that the kid was watching. Especially if we can assume that the old black man in the wheelchair is that same kid.
I think Nite Owl and Silk Spectre are pretty much good people.
Based on the fact that the butler mistook a horseshoe for a knife, I’m leaning towards robots.
Not a newbie but I was going to reread the comic this weekend before watching the next episodes.
Thanks to David Lindelof & HBO for the first and only mainstream portrayal of the race riot in Tulsa’s Black Wall Street in 1921. Most people outside of Tulsa, or even in it for that matter don’t even know about it. It was completeley scrubbed from the history books.
I watched it. I enjoyed it and will hopefully continue to enjoy it. I can’t say I’m a buff on the comic and universe, but I get the gist enough to understand it at an elementary level.
My major worry going in was that the show would play into the comic’s misaimed fandom who without a shred of irony hold Rorschach up as a hero to aspire to. So it was nice to see I won’t have to worry about that.
I’d check your TV. I thought they did a great job lighting. Regina in all of that black.
Full confession. I was a tad lost but fortunately a few internets got most of my questions answered ......... sort of.
What this show presupposes is, maybe they aren’t?
That was absolutely fantastic, looking forward to the rest of the season! Regina King was wonderful and Jeremy Irons as Adrian Veidt is going to be amazing.
Seems like a good idea for patrol cops to have to radio in before having access to a gun.
“What’s that old saying about sex being like pizza? Even when it’s bad, it’s still good?”
Only for men. When sex is bad for women, they have a lot of pain (30 percent of women report pain during vaginal sex. Imagine the outcry if 30% of men had pain.). Bad sex for men is like a 7/10, for women it’s 4/10. Same words,…