“An early shot featuring three iconic bridges spanning the Willamette is enough to establish the where of Here And Now as Portland, Oregon, but “Eleven Eleven” firmly sets the scene by cutting to the city’s Old Town sign. Twice.”
“An early shot featuring three iconic bridges spanning the Willamette is enough to establish the where of Here And Now as Portland, Oregon, but “Eleven Eleven” firmly sets the scene by cutting to the city’s Old Town sign. Twice.”
You can! Go into audio settings and change it back to the original language. I watched most of it in german with english subs.
Plus, I think it would be burdensome for any child to have to view their parents as “heroes” just for being their parents.
I don’t know, I liked it. I thought it was a good start and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.
Not just adopting an orphan. Specifically choosing “orphans” from different continents with the partial goal of maintaining a certain image. People can do all sorts of good things for selfish reasons. It might not matter to the world at large, but it could for the family relationship.
Isn’t it “iconic”? Doncha think?
Reaching for wit and transcendence, the lack of Community Grades leaves the av club mopey and dopey.
Chicanery is one of the best-written episodes of TV I’ve ever seen. S3 of Saul has been mostly over-looked this awards season so glad to see that finally recognized.
It’s not even weird sex. This is a common phenomenon that nobody talks about. Men say they had bad sex when they didn’t enjoy it as much as normal; women have bad sex when it’s painful. Bad sex for men is a 7/10; for women it’s like a 4/10. The scales are completely inconsistent but we’re using the same words. There’s…
It’s a weird stance. “more people should be having bad/weird sex” is a strange thing to (half) say. The Aziz Ansari thing wasn’t about having him arrested or blacklisted just saying “hey if you stand with women, maybe think about how you have made some of them feel.” The outcome of more men being aware of that is that…
Dude, shut the fuck up.
“Hey, here’s a topic literally everyone is talking about and being asked about at the moment, what are your thoughts on it?”
“[At this point, Middleditch’s publicist cuts in to say that we have one minute left, then asks that we return to talking about the film.—ed.]”
I do like that Quincy Jones claimed that he: dated Ivanka Trump, knew for sure that the mob killed Kennedy, suggested Marlon Brando had sex with Richard Pryor and the biggest headline people wanted to discuss was an exaggerated diss on Ringo Starr’s drumming and Paul McCartney’s bass playing that could’ve come from…
That... wow, that really not how that work. Your parents need to have talk with you they should have had many years ago.
I don’t think ‘you will feel better’ counts as moral dessert, at least not for the purposes of the show. It’s what you do that matters - how doing good makes you feel is just a consequence of a society that has evolved an altruistic mindset.
I think you could even extend that to Michael and Janet. Jason teaches Janet about love and helps her to evolve beyond what she is simply by being the open-hearted doofus he is. Eleanor and Michael both resist making connections with others but learn to do it partly by becoming buddies with each other.
And the beauty of it is it’s the exact opposite of what the Neighborhood was supposed to do in the first place. If that doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies...
It was pointed out on Reddit etc. already, but:
The best moments: