
Yeah I really enjoy seeing how everybody assesses what they like and don’t like about this show. With this season there seems like some degree of consensus about most episodes (people generally like USS Callister and Hang the DJ, think Arkangel, Black Museum and Crocodile are varying degrees or mediocre) but Metalhead

Yeah, I don’t get it either.

I have similar feelings about the 2016 presidential election.

So, how many voted for Bart Simpson and School Sucks?

The ending—Nanette raising her eyebrows while sitting back in the Captains chair—was genuinely exhilarating. A team of office workers, lead by a fierce yet plucky coder, traveling literalized cyber space and telling gamerbros to fuck off would be my jam.


I liked how in the interview with the dentist, after he said how the woman on the street had a lime jacket and the investigator said it was actually yellow, the jacket that was currently on the screen changed from green to yellow, showing the suggestibility and fallibility of memory. It was a nice touch.

What the absolute fuck is going on in this thread.

My read was the that hundreds of simulations were all different to determine if the two would end up together in a variety of situations. Presumably in some, Frank got a bunch of short relationships and Amy got a long, bitter one. The computers weren’t lying - they really were analyzing how they reacted in a variety

After the bleak Crocodile, this was a much more pleasant experience. Plenty of laughs and heart here. So the system works as it puts Frank and Amy together? Maybe the message is we all need to go through crappy relationships before finding The One? The longer Black Mirror goes on, the harder it is to be truly

MANY black mirror episodes are similarly unlikely. You mention “dna” not holding memories, but how do you know that? It’s actually more unlikely to assimilate *any* characteristics into the virtual reality, than it is for “genetic memories”.

To me, the unsettling feeling surrounds abuse and whether “vitrual abuse” is

Nanette is my new favorite star ship captain (“Stealing my pussy is a red fucking line!”) and in the current onslaught of sexual harassment borne of male entitlement in the news, I thought it was topical and suspenseful.

One thing that I think deserves mentioning: This was the out-and-out funniest episode of Black Mirror thus far (haven’t gotten through the rest of Season 4 yet, but from the look what’s to come it seems that will likely hold true). I wasn’t aware that I wanted that, but I really enjoyed this episode more for some

It’s a testament to Black Mirror that they seem to have created the most visually diverse season this year. Not that Black Mirror was ever lacking visually, but kicking off the new season with a largely retro looking episode and later following up with a black and white horror episode is impressive for any show.

That was a most impressive review of the OP’s comment. Bravo.

The central conceit of the comment is, on the surface, a rebuke of shoddy internet film criticism. I sympathize with the commenter’s yearning for the good old days of print journalism when professionals were taken seriously, and paid serious money for their opinions. The pain of earning “a degree in journalism with a

According to his filmography, six of his last seven films went direct to video so I guess that answers my question.

If your film reviews are anything like your film reviewer reviews I can see why you didn’t become a full-time film critic.

IV was hand-picked by Roger Ebert to audition for and eventually co-host the ill-fated Ebert Presents: At the Movies. He’s been writing here for 4 years.

When do we get the AV Clubs inaugural A Year in Pants article?