
The bad news : AV Club was finally bitten by the Kinja zombie

I really want to see that whole suicidal ventriloquist dummy routine. It had the potential to reduce me to tears of laughter.

The professor was white and would regularly tell me that I was wrong about Black culture.

I caught that, too! The laugh sounded like him laughing at the joke, not Bob laughing at Teddy.

“Why does he have five plungers?”

“For different moods!”

My favorite joke from this last episode—which had some killer ones—is Linda revealing the item piles and then, very quickly, “These are the ones that love me. I’m taking them.” I cackled.

Gotta love Marshmallow, prime time’s only animated transgender sex worker.

The scene where the Belchers saw Teddy fixing the table in the dumpster kinda made me sad because that kind of thing does happen. I even almost cried when Teddy said something about not giving up or throwing away things and trying to fix them, because throughout the whole Bob’s Burgers series, we’ve seen Teddy not

I was disappointed we didn’t actually get to meet Teddy’s family, but this is another hit Thanksgiving episode for the show. There’s just something about Thanksgiving that clicks with these characters, the low stakes played for high drama thing that really works.

My favorite Bob’s Burgers Thanksgiving joke will always be Bob finding out he is a “sloppy bear” from the hot deli guy.

One of these days, just for fun, I’d like to see them do an episode that’s just 22 minutes of Bob and Teddy going back and forth. I’m reasonably confidant they could pull it off.

“Hey. Hey! Hey! I have asked you nicely not to boil my ethnicity down to an accent. You leave me no choice but to…ask you nicely again.”

Keep in mind, just 5 years prior to The Simpsons’ debut episode, John Hughes gave us Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles. This sort of thing was definitely something audiences gave a pass to in the ‘80s.

With some slight adaptations, I have a feeling that this episode would have gotten a lot of positive attention if it was released like a road movie in a festival like Sundance

I can’t recall the exact line at the moment, but he unquestionably drops character when a lady matter-of-factly mentions having been choked by a ghost in an episode a few years back. I distinctly remember the feeling of “ah, there’s a tiny glimpse at Oz behind the curtain.”

As usual, I find myself leaving a NFY episode wondering what the hell I just watched, and wondering what or wasn’t real. But now I think we’ve seen two confirmed ‘real Nathan’ moments on the show...

1) his reaction to the gas station owner drinking his grandson’s urine
2) his reaction to Bill’s saying “you gotta know

Getting a lotta mileage outta that Psych 101 textbook. Good for you.

HO-LY SHIT. I don’t know if that was scripted or 100% real. All I know is it was amazing. I feel like I say this every show but Nathan Fielder is a genius.

Ford and Tench may have different backgrounds, styles, skills, and interests, but when she speaks, they listen. Even when they disagree, they don’t try to gaslight her into thinking their ideas are hers.

I think you'll find it was actually released in 20086.