
Pedantic dentist here: there’s no way to “reverse” a cavity. A “cavity” by definition is past reversing. You can stop demineralization by reducing/stopping sugar and acid exposures when demineralization is still in the enamel by using fluoride to replace the hydroxyapatite crystals in the matrix with fluroapatite

I believe this article gets the “NO SHIT” award of the morning, at least.  

Seriously. The main thing for a parent is to teach and model is basic human decency. Beyond that, trying to change your kid from who they are is needless and pretty much hopeless conflict.

Interesting - my boyfriend said he over watered a lot of plants in the past - I think I’m naturally negligent enough that my idea of deep watering every few days has not killed it yet. 😂

never saw this before, but know many people like this.

it’s cool, my luck has turned around. I successfully managed to turn $100 in lottery tickets to $139. The day is saved.

They could only hope to be 20% as cool as him.

I offer all my Jezzie friends (and enemies - still love you!) best wishes for the new year.

Can I just say, thank you. It doesn’t mean much I know, but I appreciate everything,every damn thing you have done for us. I wish I could do something to repay you. I can't. Dammit.

Oh crankylittlephoton, as someone you don’t know and will likely never meet, please accept this tiny gesture of love from me to you. strangers both. I’m almost where you are with the loss of faith in the goodness of humanity. Perhaps you’ll accept my company?

The horrible thing is that it’s not even just the lay public. I have had nurses and other hospital workers straight up lie to all the screening questions and when I go in to see them, tell me the real story. When I inevitably say, “You know this sounds like COVID, right?” I get an interesting range of responses

Don’t go anywhere, Brandy. We’re all stuck in the shit, but in the shit together. That makes all the difference in the world.

brandy will have to pry herself from my cold dead hands to stop writing here!!! YES, BRANDY FOREVER

I want to thank you for the work you’ve done this year in the face of unfathomable selfishness.

I just got home from my last hospital shift of the year.

Brandy, you’re going to continue writing here, yeah? Whether I wind up agreeing or not with your answers, it usually interesting and entertaining. So hope you stick around in ‘21.

This  is a youtube video that we all want to watch.

Happy to help! I killed many succulents with under-watering and too far from sunlight. They seem low maintenance, but they do better with pretty regular water and light. My olive tree is really doing great b/c it is in a huge window that gets sun for maybe 10 hours a day. It was drying up b/c I did not pour enough

LDPE (the material most zipper bags is made out of) is not water tight and the material is gas permeable. So unless you are using a special bag or dont mind some Snuggle in you carrots, don’t do this.

but if you need a large item thawed within an hour, it works!”