
You've put too much thought into this.

Music for jogging
Do people carry Alexa when they go for a jog? Do they jog around their Amazon Echo?

He makes a good villain. In both Louie and the Town, he can really be charismatic, but when that drops away the menace underneath comes out.

Star Wars Episode IX: Book of Henry Part 2 just wasn't working for LucasFilm.

If actors were smart they wouldn't be actors.

From what I understand, the military has had an ongoing a retention crisis and really needs to keep anyone they can.

Marvel has continually relaunched their comics for the past few years, her comic in particular has been repeatedly retooled. For a long while they did "classic" Captain Marvel which was pretty good. Then they tried to make it like Guardians of the Galaxy, then the tried to make it Star Trek.

The 90's, Government agents, a secret invasion by alien shapeshifters…..Captain Marvel and Nick Fury worked the X-files!

I hope the positive momentum from the movie means that Marvel Editorial will let off it's chokehold on Carol Danvers and let her character breathe a little in the comics.

The 80's nostalgia market is giving way to the burgeoning 90's nostalgia market.

Well how much did you give to Hillary Clinton's campaign, Captain?

Gnomes belong in the garden.

Civil War was cited as the nadir of that, but Marvel has apparently learned their lesson with GotG vol.2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming looking a lot more robust.

'Enemy Mine' is supposed to be Triton, an aquatic Inhuman. But instead of looking like the creature from the Black Lagoon he looks like Piccolo in Dragonball Evolution.

Blackbolt pointing to Johnny, then pointing to a candle, then snuffing out the candle was a hilarious panel I got see because of it though.

It's the words "Marvel doesn't have the movie rights to the x-men so they've attempted to turn the Inhumans into the X-men." repeated like 1,000,000 times.

I have a 5,000 page manifesto that expands on El Santo's perspective if you're interested.

Kirby's New Gods is also a take on his own work with Marvel's Thor. But also like the Eternals, Kirby was very interested in the idea of long lived aliens with superior technology influencing life on other planets.

The Inhumans were a separate comic book, spun-off from Marvel's Fantastic Four. While modern Marvel Editorial has done a lot to try and revamp the Inhumans as surrogate x-men, the original stories dealt with the shenanigans of the Inhuman Royal Family, particularly Maximus the Mad scheming to usurp his brother's…

No one has veer completed a game of monopoly.