
DC's loss is Dark Horse's gain. Berger is a legend.

Some bologna algorithm tells youtube some people only watch a video for a few seconds before clicking away, so now every trailer gets a mini trailer in front of it for advertising purposes. The world is insane.

There's nothing to suggest Deckard is a replicant from the trailer.

I can't recall.

You know how many racist Star Trek fans there are? Lots!

It's better that the Porgs favor Ewoks rather than Gungans.

Jupiter's Circle seems like Mark Millar took some old JLA scripts from the 90's and retooled them. Which is delightful, because Millar isn't afraid to have consequences in his fictional world. It's exactly the kind of postmodern-but-not-deconstructionist take on a team of superheroes that my jaded little heart wants.

Now say "nuclear wessels!"

Little Witch Academia is on Netflix.

I got Kirby: Planet Roboto. It's like Kirby 64 but he pilots a mech.

If I recall correctly it was revealed to be two people who were in the cult who volunteered to stay behind.

I get to blame Jerry Seinfeld for the confusion here: Bizarro is Superman's imperfect duplicate, not his exact opposite.

Mongul always makes great fodder for stories about petty despots and/or bad dads. Everybody remembers him for the Alan Moore Superman story, but he's been used well in both Green Lantern Corps and Batman/Superman arcs.

Now they're free to appear on a tv show I might actually watch!

Simon and Jessica are a fine buddy cop duo. They're a classic mismatched pair.

I really like Black Cloud but Godshaper is the superior indie Fantasy book. Black Cloud has only just now started to reveal its mysteries while Godshaper has been immersed in its alternate history world from the first issue.

If the photos magically repair, couldn't this immediately be used to reveal to anyone that magic photos exist? And if magic photos exist, obviously the magic camera killing people doesn't seem to silly. Also the voodoo doll quality to setting people on fire.

Arcade games tended to make the female characters show more skin. Metal Slug I think was memorable for that.

She paraphrased a line from the show. She's not writing her own material at all! It's all a ruse!

Update: I binged like 8 episode today and I've had a good time.