
Netflix shows are weird like that. Like a million comedy specials I never anticipate are always popping up out of nowhere.

Is it Yellow Warbler?

The New 52 decided he was an archaeologist but Ancient Aliens were behind Egyptian mythology. I think they settled on that. It went bad really quick.

In the little read Batman: the Scottish Connection, Frank Quietly draws Batman fighting two goons armed with sledgehammers, and beautifully depicts Batman leaping around them with nimble grace. He would do a similar scene for Batman & Robin. Perfect paneling.

Part of the Master Planner 'trilogy' in Amazing Spider-Man #30-33.

You would probably really like The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 #14
"Here there be monsters". It's a one-off issue illustrated by Paulo Rivera on interiors.

The Killing Joke, while problematic with its legacy, pretty much put a pin in the the Batman/Joker dichotomy. The stuff with the playing cards and Batman realizing the Joker has escaped by putting an actor in his place is some great pulpy comic book writing.

Yes, but the black sun symbol associated with Orion is the one Morrison paralleled with Batman specifically.

Simonson's era on Thor wasn't intended to be a capital E epic, it's all made as small 3 issue story arcs at most. The big moment emomtional climax that gets memed a lot is the Executioners' last stand. Oh and Frog Thor. And Horse Thor.

I don't think anyone anticipated Snotgirl being a Hitchcockian satire of instagram models.

The big standout issues for me are the 'Nuff Said silent issue where Jean Grey and Emma Frost go into Charles Xavier's mind and the one-off issue where the x-men put down a riot and Xorn tries to save a deformed mutant boy. Like obviously the big twists with Xorn later make Xorn's inner monologue in that issue utterly

I think All Star Superman really clicks with people who know that the 1950's-1970's Curt Swan era for Superman featured all the weird stuff like Jimmy Olsen marrying a Gorilla or heel-turn plot twists involving evil doppelgangers and/or amnesia, but if they've never actually imagined how a comic like that could be

The implication is that Nth metal, the Hawkman/Thanagarian stuff, draws its power from a dark dimension like the anti-matter earth. In that dark dimension, Batman is like a Darkseid Batgod. I know that Grant Morrison had played around a bit with the idea Batman was a reincarnation of Orion.

Image: Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #1, Black Cloud #3, Godshaper #3
Bitch Planet remains strong and focused even with hiatuses, much like Sex Criminals
Black Cloud is finally revealing what it's actually about.
Godshaper is amazing. A real robust alternate history fantasy setting.

Webcomics are a young kid's game. About the only thing that can keep my attention these days is Kill Six Billion Demons and Gunnerkrigg Court.

A real fear for many fans is that the unstoppable popularity train that is Batman will eventually consume and eclipse all the other DC characters. So manifesting that fear as an event where everything does become Batman is astute.

This interview and the trailer were really good! I went from being dimly aware this existed to now making sure I bingewatch it. Great job, AVClub.

I got Mr Shifty and the Hotline Miami 1+2 Collection through the steam summer sale. They all look fun.

The trick is that Herbert would use a term like "Bene Gesserit" when he meant witch. The book is full of a lot of word salad like that.

"Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night. Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on