
Yes, where Elijah Wood plays the piano and if it drops below 50 miles per hour it explodes.

Was it the Pharaoh's curse again?

I don't think James Gunn wants his name attached to that. He only attaches his name to classy ventures like that Porn project he did with Nathan Fillion.

Remember when he thought a Moby Dick prequel was a project worth pursuing?

Skull Island is the real star of the movie, everything else is a little thin. It feels like Tom Hiddleston was added in post-production.

He's Liev Schreiber's non-union Canadian equivalent.


Did the world need a workplace comedy set in a world of comic book superheroes?

Digital play was years away. But they had analog!

My immediate reaction to the trailer was how patronizing it was or a grown woman to take orders from a child, even if he's a boy genius. That Watts somehow transforms into a sniper assassin by the end of the trailer was another bizarre tonal twist. What was this movie? Who was it for?

Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.

One of the Spider-Man games supposedly had an accurate New York.

Tragically I assume he's going to end up being a huge piece of shit like his brothers.

So minor trivia, at one point, part of Sam Raimi's idea for Spider-Man 3 was the have the Vulture be the main villain. They considered the Vulture buying the Daily Bugle, and running it ruthlessly along along with his daughter. John Malkovich was envisioned as Toomes/Vulture, and Anne Hathaway as the "Vulturess."

The kid from One Direction is starring in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk.

Hey this was really great. I'm glad Oscilloscope picked this up.

I saw Observe & Report, a Seth Rogen comedy, alone with my dad. I actually think the movie is pretty funny and well done. Rogen doesn't really try for projects like it anymore.

But I love Alt-J's new album! I guess I'll have to enjoy it.

I figure she's either Yellowjacket II or Lady Beetle, both of whom are totally real villains.