
No, he'll play the annoying terror child

James Franco

What can I say, i'm inspirational.

Sometimes Kyle Machlachlan's face looks like he's a man wearing a Kyle Machlachlan mask, when the shadows catch his cheekbones the wrong way. And that quality was used perfectly here.

ehhhh, Ares was egging her on. Sometimes you've got to let an evil mad scientist live to spite a vengeful greek war god. I mean, we've all been there, right?

But how else can they start the ghostbusters expanded universe if they don't spend way too much money?

My big criticism is that the ending just sort of happens. It's odd that there wasn't a clean moral lesson to tidy everything up in the final fight other than Diana coming to terms with the inherent darkness of mankind. She really just decides to roll with humanity because Steve loved her and it was genuine. For real,

In mythology Thor's hammer could shrink and he could wear it as a necklace. He would tug his hammer to make it grow. And yes, that's absolutely a norse masturbation joke.

Framing the greek mythology stuff as a bedtime story told to little girl Diana was a clever way of getting the exposition and world building out of the way, and making it a little more palatable to the audience.

yeah sure

Are we pronouncing it cov-feef, or cov fay fay?

We're getting more big name superhero movies for at least another five years. If any of the DC spinoff films are successful this could be continuing into 2025+

After Defenders, I know the other shows are supposed to continue, but I wonder a few years down the road from now what's really left for Daredevil, JJ, and Luke Cage. More than 3-4 seasons for any of them seems to push credibility.

I did not imagine the Chinese would be enthralled about a movie about black transgender sex workers finding the true spirit of Christmas, but I've been wrong before.

We're all Florida Man, in our own way.

Irony is that some of the best Superman moments aren't in superman comics, and they go unread, even by attentive and interested fans. Hitman #34, is one of the best Superman stories ever written, and it's simply Superman talking on a rooftop.

The narration really works against the film. Dryly explaining every little nuance over bland footage doesn't add to anything to the story. I'd have preferred they just told the story straight and let the parody flow all on its own without hand holding.

All young superheroes need a mentor figure who can betray/diefor them.

I think the flashback was meant to play at a different part in the movie originally, and they recut it in. It's an oversight for sure.

I'm not a big fighting game player so I often feel like I have no idea what I'm doing when I mash buttons. But I've been winning in story mode. It's very exhausting though.