Old white guy

Doesn’t the bible specifically lay claim that anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus (not just God, but Jesus, the son of God who really is God, so you figure it out), is going to hell during the rapture? Doesn’t he tell you that it’s either “my way or the highway” (I think that’s in Two Corritheans).

Now that’s completely wrong. What I have determined is that Bible-readers can interpret anything out of the bible by taking various verses and using it for their goals.

I’m confused. I thought the point about concealed carry was as a deterrent, and gun free zones were he killing fields. If a bad guy thought someone might be carrying a gun, he wouldn’t start something.

Hey, We are in the days of a university (which has supposedly smart people working for it who should know better), trying to trademark “the”.

from co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey’s verified account to his 4.2 million followers

Yeah, but if you heard someone say “ah-SEES” you could easily hear it as an ‘s’ not a ‘z’ and think it’s i (ah) sis. 

I still can’t figure out why they still do this whole “let’s write the person’s name on the cup” garbage, since it’s either a lame running joke on ‘how can we screw up everyone’s name’, to insulting people because they can’t figure out how to spell so many people’s names and people take it personally (like barristas

In the world of Trump, nothing is ever surprising anymore.

Knowing Trump’s history regarding racial matters, I’m not sure why he was expecting something different.

“Yes, sir, they certainly do love you in the Netherlands. In fact, they had the largest crowds ever to watch your inauguration on giant TVs in every city in the country. They declared a national holiday over your election (and finally getting rid of obama) and EVERYONE turned out!”

Basically she was fired for saying things that, if you just created a random list of 100 things you thought about the president and asked a random person on the street, they would say “Yeah, I believe that to be true”. 

and that the president did not like being in pictures with Tiffany because he perceived her as overweight.

So how is this different than any rapist claiming he performed a “citizens arrest” on a woman, then claimed she consented to sex before letting her go?

I can’t decide if I want it to crush his palatial club, thus to see him show some real emotion, or not, because I know he’s got fema on speed dial with his sons.

Wow, back in the 70s, we had a shed in the back yard. And I would continually forget to lock it at night. Or too lazy (especially when the lock had been pushed down, so you’d have to go ALL THE WAY back to the house to get the key (a 40 foot walk at most) to unlock it.

Hey, just read his articles on the Root.  He explains everything so well, even a white person could undstand it!

How come they didn’t let him go so they could laugh as the dog chased him down!?! “Ha ha ha! Just like the ol’ days!”

Just a note on Kaepernick. I heard today that the eagles have agreed their backup qb can still coach his high school football team and will return to the team on friday or Saturday for the game.

Investigation? What investigation. They were arresting him.