Does this mean if he ever finally got the sandwich, tried it, and was not completely blown away by it, he’d be suing the internet for lying about how good it was?
Does this mean if he ever finally got the sandwich, tried it, and was not completely blown away by it, he’d be suing the internet for lying about how good it was?
I can hear it now.....
Tonja, your bias is showing. Just because some song/duet remix helped propel a song onto the pop charts for 18 weeks, and had everyone and their mother finding an old town road to recreate it on Instagram, does not make it the event of the year.
I’m assuming they charged him with first degree murder, second degree murder, and manslaughter, for each death. Then see what sticks in court.
Telling confidential information and secrets to the “enemy of the US”? Hey, that’s the presidents job!
Hmmm, English Grammar on par with Clapback Mailbag specimen.
It’s the libertarian garden of eden!
Um, you forgot ‘he was joking’.
If he didn’t cut it off, she would have pulled out the “I’m rubber and you’re glue!” and settled it once and for all...
Also, don’t give money to other groups, give it to us and let us spend it how we deem it is fit. Because we have shown we are real good with spending money. And no one should give money to organizations not actively trying to get people elected. Just trying to do stuff. So lame.
I was trying to figure out what the hell was behind this move, as it didn’t really cover anyone that much. Then I saw this line:
Tan suit free at least!
I can’t believe there wasn’t uproar about a black man touching a white woman on TV! Remember, God said the races shouldn’t intermingle! (Or is that just in Michigan?)
This could pay for a round of golf at his Virginia country club (you wouldn’t want him to go to a golf course he doesn’t own, would you?).
Nope. One Corrintheans. Right in there about how ratfuckers are one male rat and one female rat.
I’m sure this is the exact same sentence they would give if a black man of 6'5" and 250 hit and pushed a white girl.
But it’s just a joke! A joke! Who would actually believe a president would use pardons to break the law to help his friends and campaign?
On the plus side, we could just hope the hurricane goes a little south in florida and wipes out his precious mara lago.
Wow! Yet another big storm heading to Puerto Rico. Will it ever end? Congress approved 92 Billion Dollars for Puerto Rico last year, an all time record of its kind for “anywhere.”
Today is anniversary of the tan suit. On this day, Popeye’s announces no more sandwiches for a while.