Old white guy

And what does this say about the ex-fiance? He got a shot, he went impotent, and she just dumped him? Did she just hear from her cousin that a friend of hers had a boyfriend who had this happen to them? Or that she read on the internet that this is normal because it’s part of the illuminati’s plan to control the

The fact that cops can sit and watch a murder unfold without consequence to them is not why there are no good cops. There are few to no good cops because a good cop would not need a rule to make them interfere. They should see a wrong and stop it.

I’m ignoring all the racism and old southern tradition of honoring losers of the sourth, I was initially taken by the picture. The Auburn students (I assume they are auburn students), with “Never Forget” painted on their bodies, as they cheer wildly, wave pom-poms, and look extremely pleased. It seems they’ve

“I think that what we need to do is be more tolerant of everyone’s opinions. Stop calling everyone and everything racist! Isn’t that what people who don’t know anything about us are accusing us of?” wrote another member, Noemia Young.

Yeah, except the judge has already signalled that, somehow, Maxine Waters talking to a crowd NOT about the trial, in another city, may have impugned the jurors who were already told to not watch the news or talk about the case. All to lead to his eventual overturning of this ‘unjust’ conviction. 

In Trump’s mind: “Trump walks proudly and confidently down a seventy degree ramp covered in a foot of rushing water, while a downpour deluges him from above, until the last ten feet, where he runs the rest of the way, like a gazelle. ” I think that nut-job painter has probably done a portrait of the scene, with every

Yes, you can run from jail. There’s nothing in the constitution that prevents it. 

First of all, it’s a long time

This is all well and good, but these are cops. More than likely they’ll have the conviction overturned on appeal or something, and go free. It seems that happens a lot.

“Show me the white slaves.”

Obama. Obama didn’t do it. Always too busy playing golf and apologizing to our enemies and allies about how wrong we are. But I told my people “let’s get this done!” The blacks, my blacks. They love me, because they know I deeply care about the blacks. Lynching, it’s so wrong. The people doing the lynching, they’re

What I see is that Donald trump jr has 2.4 million followers.

Damn, I’m old enough to remember Willie giving that speech and you claim it’s fake? Ok, I’ll take your word for it, as I’ve never heard of it before.

Republicans believe in science. I hate it when people just lump all of them together.

Except he then showed his prejudice by calling her aunt jemimah. 

Based on our assessment, these teachers were not discriminated against.

I’m confused? Are these peta folks looking at white people (or people in general) and going “well, this Colin kapernick thing worked so well get white people to understand police abuse re black people (which is what it was about, not “racism” per se), they’ll see this commercial and change their tone about other

The internal investigation is still ongoing as it would be wrong to rush to judgement and possibly put a blemish on a police officers otherwise unblemished record...

Captain: Everyone is criticizing this, but look at the bright side. They didn’t pull out their guns and shoot her! Progress! I mean, you complain when we shoot unarmed black people. Yo complain when we don’t and just use excessive force. Stop changing the rules! Plus her hair was being used as a weapon and needed it

Did they threaten to shoot anyone who walked into the place? Did they evoke violence and war before they were let free?