Question: isn’t there some law or constitutional call out that if you be the king of another land, you can’t serve out country in government?
Question: isn’t there some law or constitutional call out that if you be the king of another land, you can’t serve out country in government?
And this was with god doing anal so there’s some shit mixed in there...
I wonder if the rapture happened in 2016 and this is our hell....
I want to know the punishment for not reporting an incident.
With the integrity of the Philadelphia police department crippled by allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination
Welp, trump is now trying to cover up this part of the story by claiming the pm of Denmark was nasty (there’s that word - reserved for powerful women - , I saw it and said “the pm must be a woman” and sure enough) to not just him, but the entire United States, by calling his comments about BUYING ANOTHER COU TRY…
They already use the footage. It’s one of the things they do when investigating (ok, it’s what the tv cops do, so to trainslate to real life, it’s what the cops do when doing a real investigation, vs. a lazy one). Though they should not have access to the video directly, they have to ask residents for theirs if they…
Does this also apply to tasers?
Hey sorry about the gyrating. Thought it was funny, but I was a little lit at the time...
“The disparate-impact concept is a nebulous and complex doctrine that, using statistics, could be used to challenge many, many actions,” Paul Compton HUD’s general counsel, said in a call with reporters, WSJ reports.
Did anyone tell dumbass? He’ll probably insist that the jersey’s fabric be checked against known fabric from Hawaii, or that the colors are really the colors of “Kenyan High School”.
So before you file your lawsuit, you need to get the proof that would only be discoverable during discovery?
Oh, in the good ol’ days this would have been resolved easily. Paddled the kid then shave his head. Now you can’t even color in the kids ‘carvings’? Damn PC culture! /s
“Well, we gave him the option of (1) calling in the police to arrest him, (2) be expelled from school, or (3) walk around all day in just his underwear. He chose option 3. Don’t blame the school because the child chose to walk around in his shorts!”
“Your honor, This dog isn’t racist. He’s just following his religious beliefs. Being a German Shepherd, he’s a devout follower of the orthodox Lutheran religion that believes in the superiority of the white woman to clean their house.
Georgia, your infant mortality rate is in the top ten in the country (7.2 per 1000 births). Your preterm birth rate is fourth. Your low birth weight is fourth.
Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!
Under this new standard, prosecutors will be able to consider the actions of both police officers and their victims leading up to a deadly encounter in order to accurately determine if “the officer acted within the scope of law, policy, and training.”
instead of shooting to subdue
I don’t think they’re using the term “black identity extremists” anymore. They’re focusing on whether to call antifa a domestic terrorist organization. You know, because of the incident with....checks notes...... vegan milkshakes. I think. Not really sure. But the key is to target them early, before they actually do…