The Daily News reports that during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the mayor noted that she didn’t know WTF Trump’s tweet was talking about but added that it proves he’s both a “bully and a coward.”
The Daily News reports that during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the mayor noted that she didn’t know WTF Trump’s tweet was talking about but added that it proves he’s both a “bully and a coward.”
Shit, not the Who scream. That’s where you’d stick in the “Soooooooooouuuuuuuulllllllllllll Train”.
David Caruso, while taking off his sunglasses: “Apparently the script has jumped the tracks”
I have an idea! How about the police department put into place some rules that say things like “If you kill someone on duty who isn’t an immediate threat, and by immediate meaning pointing/shooting a gun or lunging with knife in hand at you (or someone else) , you can’t work for the department anymore, because your…
They were too busy busting out on Joe Biden about another gaffe and writing a 16,000 word story on how some democrat is evil because he doesn’t think we need medicare for all.
Police Beviolent Association
“Cops have to make choices, sometimes very quickly,” said O’Neill. “Those decisions are scrutinized and second-guessed, both fairly and unfairly.”
And the news reports of three different potential mass shooters who were arrested this weekend were all ..... um...... let’s just say non-liberal, for the faint-of-heart on the right.
Also, remember, antifa are the ones we REALLY need to designate a terrorist group (disregarding the fact there really isn’t a group called antifa, but, you know, “black identity extremists” became public and some people got upset because even though the feds were labelling groups that way, they had to admit they…
Notice how, on the right, they don’t talk about motivation, just who the person is. Thus, you could be a lunatic who has a hatred for anyone who dares eat at Taco Bell, and thus shoot up a taco bell, but if your facebook page shows you supported Bernie, you were a crackpot liberal terrorist (although I’ve seen what…
Sorry, cut taxes is their solution to a specific problem, that being the welfare state. The whole goal of the trump/ryan tax cut (Paul Ryan spent 20 years having wet dreams about it) was to put this country into so much debt that the only way to fix it would be to slash “entitlements”, which the republicans have…
Well, everything the republicans didn’t do the first two years of trump (where they controlled both houses and the white house) was placed at the feet of the democrats. Didn’t fix healthcare? Democrats! Border concentration camps and family separation? Democrats!
I think they all had to show up in their yellow vests, both to (a) show they were ‘working’, (b) gives a bright backdrop so tubby is more visible on stage.
“Your attendance is not mandatory. This will be considered an excused absence. However, those who are NOT in attendance will not receive overtime pay on Friday,”
No, they weren’t holding back pay they earned. They just wouldn’t get paid for this time otherwise, or get paid for overtime on friday because they took a day off during the week.
Is this all the world is these days? One annoying twitter challenge after another? I still haven’t gotten around to eating cinnamon flavored tide pods, or walked out of my car to dance in my feelings, let alone throw a bucket of water on my head!
But seriously, who the hell thinks this was a good idea? Dont people have any sense any more?
“Dangerous imagery like this will be condemned and seen as inappropriate by people of sound mind; however, a mentally unstable individual who wants to harm President Trump might find them as an inspiration,”
I.... um..... er..... seriously I just don’t know what to say. I know education budgets are stretched thin, but can they update the text books about apprehending suspects that apparently dates to the 1930s?
But remember, we should heed the advice of the us attorney of the eastern us, after blaming the philly shootout on the da, that we need to “respect the police”.