Wait,, so they’re saying he used makeup to cover his tattoos? Will they start inking up a suspects photo to get a conviction? Just start morphing the photos?
Wait,, so they’re saying he used makeup to cover his tattoos? Will they start inking up a suspects photo to get a conviction? Just start morphing the photos?
It would really help if we had people running the prison system that didn’t deem these individuals to just be animals needing to be caged.
Or that the 14th amendment was not specifically crafted for ex-slaves but anyone who was birthed in the united states, regardless of immigration status (that is the 14th, right? Maybe the 13th? Damn, I’m not republican, so I can’t keep my amendments, let alone commandments, straight).
and the memoir of former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
Why should Georgia make it harder for themselves to fake election results when all it can do is harm themselves?
I would love for republicans to explain how they proclaim they think everyone is equal and yet also state “nah, you NEED a law that says you can’t discriminate against someone else based on certain attributes”. How they don’t want “activist judges” but they want the Supreme Court to define what a “sex” is (and by…
Damn, haven’t you heard about the incredible powers of the black man? I wouldn’t be shocked to find the guy had leaped high into the air and happened to got hit by the bullet.
There’s only three options:
She pulled a gun on children! WTF?!
Even when it isn’t Soros, it’s Soros.
I wish I could appreciate music like some folks do. I’ve listened to Coltrane, and like his music, but I don’t seem capable to ‘appreciate’ what he does, or even understand it. Like trying to differentiate bebop and hardbop, for example.
Yes, it’s ok to mock someone because of their weight with no regard, but if he votes for you, oh that’s different!
Wait! Did she end up buying any of the cards to help the kids out? Does she have a bumper sticker reading “if holding black kids at gunpoint is wrong, I don’t ever want to be right!” Bumper sticker?
Literally their suspicious activity involved:
And gave them sage advice about how to go about selling.
You know, in the old days, the address of the white house is somthing I would just know. But these days, the white house doesn’t have the luster it once did and thus you kind of forget about things.
On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is fighting a bitter war to stay in office,
Technically, I doubt many people actually “believe” that being critical of Israel is being antisemitic, let alone the talking point that Israel pushed today of “they don’t even think we should exist”, which neither of them has ever said.
A Federal Prosecutor decided to get into this and blame the DA in philly (who used to be a lawyer for defendants arguing against things like police brutality, over-reach, etc, until he was elected on a platform of justice reform) who claims this was all because of a disrespect of police and a lawlessness out there due…
The guy in the video isn’t the guy they showed in later articles. That guy was black (there was still people in that house during the standoff, the white guy could have been one of them).