Pure liberal stupidity: one customer feeling “unsafe” with POLICE OFFICERS around at Starbucks. Makes me wonder what they have to hide it they don’t like police there...
Pure liberal stupidity: one customer feeling “unsafe” with POLICE OFFICERS around at Starbucks. Makes me wonder what they have to hide it they don’t like police there...
They never worry about the mental health if the killer is black.
It does at least add credence to the notion we all know.. white people simply don’t see non-whites as people..
Boy, all this sounds awfully familiar, like the Black Stormtrooper thing
I literally thought this was going to be another serio-comic slow weekend michael’s brain generated “news” story like disinviting all white people from all cookouts.
Per frank and his kind, please know that the excuse for white violence, be it American, or that done by the Catholic Church, is “that was a long time ago”.
Yeah, dude, you’re better than that.
This would never have happened in Alabama, where every life is precious!
Still don’t know how celebrating a day when 60 some-odd white dudes signed a piece of paper became all about america’s military might. Esp. since everything about the war that followed had nothing at all to do with America’s military might.
Every damn thing the government and Trump keep saying about this question flies directly in the face of the actual question.
Remember a couple of years ago when trump let loose with classified intelligence from a foreign source, and just told it to the Russians? Remember how we worried about him spilling other to secret information because he can’t keep his mouth shut?
Um, unless you’re black. At which point you’re supposed to fit in, assimilate, stop being so decisive! Oh, and pull up your damn pants!
Of course they would, which would imply they only represent the voters, not all the people.
We are absolutely moving forward, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question.
When did the Fourth of July become another day to honor our military? It’s actually one day that had nothing to do with the military, nor was there an organized national military when the declaration was signed.
“Any old white man”
I agree with Sam fullwood. July 4 is damn boring. Fireworks are overrated and just loud. People generally are just annoying and over patriotic, breaking all sorts of rules on respecting the flag as they show their respect for the flag. Where I’m trying to relax and some loser is setting off firecrackers in the backj …
So, the voting rights excuse was “contrived” but they think they’ll come up with “some way forward” that isn’t contrived let alone manufactured, but somehow still meaningful even though it’s all about voting rights?
Too bad no adults work in the White House.
Oh good. So all the forms they are printing can be thrown out wasting a ton more of our money on useless shit.