Ok, I need to know. WHO promised that? Because, you know, if it was anyone in the administration, you can’t trust anything they say.
Ok, I need to know. WHO promised that? Because, you know, if it was anyone in the administration, you can’t trust anything they say.
Sorry, but by being pre cuffed, they’d be unable to put their hands up and therefore still be resisting arrest. Now, if they could walk in with their hands up but laying on the ground..... oh, no, we know cops shoot you like that too...
What is “orderly conduct”, may I ask? Can we have people arrested for blocking aisles while they talk?
On Thanksgiving Day 2016,
It took police about a half hour to resolve the situation and determine there was no crime.
Then I thought of all the times panicky, out-of-control police officers
All these people who wave the flag on the supposed grounds of ‘history’ and ‘heritage’, why aren’t they flowing the Union Jack behind their truck, for that’s their true heritage. And yet we don’t see that, do we?
As my mom would say “If your siblings asked you to blow your brains out with your 22, would you do it?”.
“I just don’t get why african americans have such an issue with a symbol of the south’s heritage.”
You know, this just proves that white people were right. The only racism is the racism of blacks against whites!
assumed that they were eating auntie-certified potato salad but somehow ended up with cubed cauliflower and sour cream in their mouths,
500 yards. In the car. MAYBE a plate.
You’re assuming she wanted the gluten free for a real reason, as opposed to the fact it’s the new ‘in’ thing.
This is all part of his plan to turn all our kids gay! We need good wholesome acts like ted nugent and kid rock!
The biggest obstacles to legalization are the justice system... and older people who have been raised with an irrational hate/fear of marijuana.
But seriously, marijuana gets so much attention and so much concern over what it might do to people in the long run, far more than anyone cared to ask about opioids. Hell, I’d like to see the study on addictive comparison between marijuana and “legal” tobacco cigarettes.
But....but....but weed is evil! And it does stuff to the brain. They have proof! Better to be prescribed drugs with addictive properties like 300 times heroin. But don’t take heroin. That’s also bad for you. Real addictive and causes all sorts of issues. You need oxy! It’s “legal heroin on steroids!”
Oh, and for the people on the right who are so outraged about such a question, how would you have reacted if Obama stuck a “how many guns do you own” question on the census?
I would think someone in the rank and file would leak that information if it were true.
Well since the administration has announced this, then we are exactly where we were yesterday: still wondering if there will be a citizenship question on the census form.