Old white guy

Showing pictures of crisis actors who weren’t even there at the time is not proof. According to my sources, there is no one named Andy Ngo who lives in portland.

Excuse me, but anti-fa are the REAL fascists!

Quick drying cement will erode away over time and crumble into dust.

“He’s done some irreparable damage to some things and he’s got to answer for them,”

Their argument (pushed by Barr, who believes the US should have a strong executive in charge of the country, which is why he keeps pushing these insane ideas of no checks or balances are needed) is that Congress’ role spelled out in the constitution is one of legislative affairs. Ergo, even if the law doesn’t specify

They’ve announced it won’t be on the census.

The thing is, I’m not even sure muslims would consider these ‘holding centers’ to be valid under Sharia Law.

Elected politicians fighting for the good of the country.

What she really just needs to stop tweeting and get to work for the people.”

Sure, he has his concentration camps. And he lies all the time to a party who greet him with their hands held high. And he talks about how the free press is the enemy of the people. And he loves to be associated with some dictators, but others he has no use for. And he’s talked about the people storming congress, and

Jesus was white! Michelle Bachmann and others have proven this (by telling me so).

Wow, and here I was expecting them to say they were looking into charging Nipsey for various crimes, including resisting arrest and destroying public property. Because, you know, that’s the kind of things cops like to do.

Trump Tells Fox News That Homelessness Started ‘Two Years Ago’ and He’s Right

which she’d hoped to further commodify by using it on “t-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, pants, shorts, jackets, footwear, headgear, namely hats and caps, blouses, bodysuits, dresses, jumpsuits, leggings, shirts, sweaters and undergarments”

Also note that not only does a problem not exist until trump sees it, he obviously is trying to blame the liberals for starting the problem under his presidency.

He then noted that when he became president he realized that certain areas of Washington, D.C., weren’t baller so he “ended it very quickly.”

We gave more money away than we took in”

Well half the 13 are blue liberal states no they don’t care about em anyway. 

Sorry, that’s not white folks code.  White folks pay no heed to that part of “disrespecting” the flag, just other parts.  

“So he got upset, ran across the street and ran up to my son and basically said: ‘I’m gonna give you a head start, you better run.’