Bammon Taylor

Yeah, it’s so full of shit. It’s there whole “dream” to be a hero to safe people from others with guns with their own guns. And that shit almost never happens. 

The kind of mealy mouthed bullshit this website would have savaged a long time ago.

Are school shootings in America even news any more?

I would argue that pushing boundaries very much can be a comedian’s job, but when the boundaries they push against are the same ones as the Klan, the comedy has taken a backseat to bigotry.

If this is another comedian saying that his job is to push boundaries and make people uncomfortable, it’s already been said by plenty of comedians who are bad at their actual job of telling jokes. 

It’s not even funny.

If Gervais or Chappelle said something shocking but funny about trans people, at least we’d have to think about it. This is just dumb.

I think they’re both talented, but I don’t know why they went down this path when they have nothing interesting or funny to say about it. It does come across like

The man shows more acting range in Capital One commercials

Everyone was so pumped that SLJ was going to be in Star Wars. Like there was no way it could suck if he were bringing his natural level of badassery into it.

This show seemed to take the position that what we are all invested in after #metoo allegations are the poor unfortunate guys who really regret their downfall.

Agreed, overall — the guy who does his voice makes it very realistic, but

Yup. Gonna hit the right wing grift circuit and make bank. This little piece of shit wannabe-cop murders some people and JACKPOT — honestly maybe a future congressman even, and we’ve got our modern Freikorps legally sanctioned along the way.

The army literally makes you get a shit ton of vaccines before you can go die in battle.

Is there anyone here who would NOT get fired on the spot for behavior like this (regardless of whether the target was a coworker or competitor)?

He’s an ugly stupid little wooden dummy. Who will never have ham. And will never drink wine. Not only can he not have ham; he can’t have any other luncheon meats.

Bobby Digital himself believes the new owners will likely share the record the way Wu-Tang hoped it would be shared in the first place.

Sinema is quite popular with Arizonans

Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but it’s mine.