That’s where they cover his eyes before they spray him with bronzer like a presidential rotisserie.
That’s where they cover his eyes before they spray him with bronzer like a presidential rotisserie.
I live in the DC area, and here $75k is dick; particularly if you have a mortgage, etc
Your in-laws need to read more and not focus on the $1200 check, as your FIL is going to get an extra $2400 in unemployment per month for the next 4 months or so.
Boomers choosing to die so that their decedents can enjoy economic success?
Love that political party that makes a huge show of being “pro life” while encouraging the undesirables to die.
My guess is, in reality, Dan Patrick would be about the last person to make the ultimate sacrifice for any reason. Rightists always talk a good game when others have to pay the price.
But isn’t the demographic that would mostly die off from this the one they most need for continued electoral success?
- Can we just make Elizabeth Warren president? [MSNBC]
The fact that they picked (imho) one of the worst songs ever doesn’t help things much either....
It’s just one of those moments where people are not in the mood for this shit. It’s always annoying when the rich and famous do the “we’re just like you” shtick, but when the rest of us have to still go to work because getting sick is less scary than becoming homeless and some normal people can’t get tested until…
Everybody’s in no mood
Somehow I knew Mark Ruffalo and Sarah Silverman would be a part of this. Also, Amy Adams from the set of Elizabeth Taylor’s old White Diamonds commercials.
I can understand looking at this and cringing, but I’m a little weirded out by the seething rage this has provoked. Like, hey, celebrities are a little facile and out-of-touch, more at eleven.
I can’t even click on the video. I'm afraid of how this will affect the rest of my life.
nothing more than a collection of tweets
too true - I think a lot about how social media almost seems to have walked communication skills backward? I know talking about the social bubble is nothing new, but, yeah.
(I personally will not vote for Biden, nor will most of the otherwise politically-active people in my circles)
Sanders has signaled to his aides that he will not quit the race if the votes don’t go his way.