“Let’s Hear It For the Boy” was sung by Deniece Williams. Perhaps you’re referring to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”?
“Let’s Hear It For the Boy” was sung by Deniece Williams. Perhaps you’re referring to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”?
The fact is, not only did Whitney’s version make the song a massive international hit, in Dolly’s own opinion, it also wasn’t a weak version of the original. Trust and believe, Dolly is not losing sleep over the accolades given to Whitney (14 weeks at #1, Grammy for Best Song), as she was extremely grateful to Houston…
The woman was truly a genius, right out of the gate. This is my favorite Natalie Cole song, from way back in 1977. This was probably a weird song for a kid to like back then, what with the jazzy vibe and scatting, but listen closely, and it almost sounds like a lullaby. Goodnight, Miss Cole.
He looked drunk as fuck. That is all.
Yes! Tiny Wardrobe Guy is so cute and adorable! E! please make him A Thing and give him his own show!
According to that illustration, someone’s being murdered on the beach.
I share your pain. This is also happening to me, as well. When I confronted him, he merely responded, via my FB inbox, that he needed all of his energy in order to focus on his health and well-being. That was it. So I got the extra-added dagger to heart in knowing that he feels as if I’m a threat to his overall…
Ahhh, yes.
I never have that problem, even when I use my Black Brooklyn Voice :P
Then why not use her actual voice? Would it be considered threatening if she had? Whoopi, as maddening as she can be at times, actually has a very lovely speaking tone. At the very least, my main gripe is her using that awfully dated ValleyGirlSpeak. Again, I also took offense at her making the situation needlessly…
God I hate it when she does that tired faux Valley Girl accent. Besides being extremely dated (c’mon now, it was cute when she did it in her infamous one-woman show back in the 80’s), it’s simply irritating, and in this case, comes of as pure condescension. Ugh. And why put Jason, your guest, on the spot as if he were…
Or you can just pick the phone and actually TALK to a person. Sorry, but I’m an old who thinks that unless there’s a need for immediate information such as travel, appointments and emergencies texting is for teenagers and certain people with underdeveloped social skills who tend to rely on texting to communicate…
Are you really that fucking obtuse?
OMG please disregard my original comment. It was meant as a response to The City Lights, and I’m have a problem deleting it. No offense to you!
Did you even SEE THE CLIP? The cop is certa-f*cking-fiably insane! He’s seen rolling around on the grass like freaking Starsky and Hutch. Oh, and spare me the false equivalency bullshit, too. All of your so-called suggestions and bullet points don’t mean a thing. NOTHING that transpired required the officer to draw…
“Um-hmm. I’ll bet that you still can’t sing this shit live, though.”
“Get all the AIDS in there.”
Hell, I still jam on a fried Spam sammich from time to time, so yes, REGS.
This. Oh, so much this.