bamboo trampoline
bamboo-trampoline parents split fruit all the time, but otherwise, their eating and portions are pretty normal.

Hannah, who wrote this headline? I don’t see how “inadvertently” works? It means something like “accidentally” or “unintentionally,” yes? Don Jr.’s action wasn’t inadvertent at all. “Donald Trump Jr. Reminds the Internet That Free Candy Is for Socialists”—shouldn’t this really be the headline? Talk to your editors. I

How about a fat fuck? Can we just go with fat fuck, Harvey?

So I guess greens, yellow, and oranges are totally out. Ok, Megyn.

I have to defend Corey. When you see that a women at FOX news got $32 million from Bill O’Reilly for harassment, but you know your 11-year-old friend was repeatedly raped (and later killed himself with drugs), it’s probably hard not to be bitter. He’s carried this around—without support—for most of his life. I don’t

Seconded, Cavemen. “The Fall” is freaking awesome. Every season is great.

“The Usual Suspects” is great because the screenplay is great. No reason to dislike the movie now.  

You guys understand that this isn’t a straight news site, yes? Gawker and its offshoots have always had a TMZ element. That’s what we’re here for—the stuff “regular” news isn’t going to print. The stuff that’s whispered about and hinted at in closed circles. This site turns over the rock and tells you to look for the

Hmm, ok, then maybe it’s time for another heart-to-heart. He’s probably not a bad guy, just gets his feelings hurt. Not your fault, but it’s worth trying to appease him a bit for the sake of a happy home.

No, but it might be time to get a new roommate—someone who better matches your personality (or level of enthusiasm).

You’re doing the right thing by Buster. Love to you and him.

Pumpkins are delicious—all winter squash really. Yum!

The trailer looks quite beautiful. This is an example of an intimate movie that deserves to be experienced on the big screen—all those gorgeous and harsh English landscapes. It’s a shame people choose to watch movies at home, when movies are 100% better when seen as they were intended to be seen. Go to the theater,

I really dislike Kristin Cavallari, but anyone who owns three dogs can’t be all bad. Damn you, Kristin!

“Pure fiction?” Who is this guy, Donald Trump?

If I had $10 million, I would give it to him. I’ve been waiting for these men (who were boys) to name names for YEARS. Now is the time.

Man, oh man, oh man. Power = sleazy behavior. What a shocker.

French dogs even pee elegantly.

The Madame Tussaud’s in NYC used to set “Samuel L. Jackson” out on the sidewalk all the damn time. It was so freaky to walk by him on the way to work in the morning. Like, I haven’t even had coffee yet. I’m not ready for that shit.

My brain read “Bourjois” as “Doritos.” That’s where I’m at.