bamboo trampoline

Yes, I’m for a happy medium. Save and live frugally, but indulge where you’ll really enjoy things—like theater tickets or really good food, whatever floats your boat. You never know when the world will take you. It could be young. :(

Mine was when my college basketball team upset the hated Duke in the NCAA tournament. And I went to a school that isn’t really a basketball powerhouse, especially not at that time. I was SO happy!

In fairness, Merlin simply may have been trying to look up at the woman talking behind her. Do you ever catch yourself doing that when you’re getting a haircut?I do. But I’d like to think she eyerolled.

Because he touches the flusher? That, you know, all the other kids touch with their grubby little hands? Gross.

Gainesville reacted in such a great way. All around campus were signs supporting minorities—and really everyone—saying “You are loved.” Chalk drawings showed other messages of love and support for the university community (and against bigotry and white supremecist ideology). I had friends who attended the speech to

I don’t think his name is Alexander, but I’m too lazy to check. My friends have a Xander who’s just a Xander. I think that’s a legit name.

She suffered for more than ten years of anorexia and bulimia, so I’m sure that took a toll on her body. Let’s be kind. She’s now healed. I’m proud of her for being a survivor. As a gymnast, I knew girls who didn’t survive. Me, I’ll stay pudgy.

I posted the nutrients above (I am grayed).

Pots can be washed. This one most certainly was. Why the extreme gross out? Man, we are so Puritanical in this country. Semen is NOT defecation. It’s not “dirty” or unhealthy. Copied from the web: “Semen is only one percent sperm; the rest is composed of over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals

That is wholly unfair. I grew up in Florida. Yes, weird things happen there, but weird things happen in every state. Florida gets painted with a broad brush, just the same as everybody saying NJ is an armpit, when there are a lot of beautiful places in NJ. It’s not a fair assessment. Florida has a lot of wonderful—and

Don’t ask someone out WHO WORKS FOR YOU. Jeez, it’s not that fucking difficult.

I don’t believe her. She is a lying liar who lies. Just like all the Trumps.

Sailing? Lol. That was my favorite surprise.

You’re right. So many great Man vs. Nature films. I would add “127 Hours” to your list. I went by myself to see it in the theater. The sound effects at the opportune moments were almost unbearable. I was nearly under my seat in anguish.

At first, I only read Donna Karan’s terrible red carpet statements, but later I saw the video of it—and she laughs/smirks through the whole thing. DK can suck it. (And by “it,” I just mean life in general.)

Shouldn’t we just support him for being with us on the anti-Trump train? I mean, as long as he has a platform, why not let him trash our disgusting commander in chief? (I refuse to dignify that with capital letters.)

Um, he had a massively successful (one-man?) Broadway show that won tons of awards (including a Tony for Best Actor in a Musical), so he didn’t exactly come out of nowhere. Prior to his L.A. gig, he was the toast of NY. I didn’t see the show, but many loved it. I did like him in “The History Boys,” however, but he has

Dane Cook, who is a tool.

I totally don’t mind his shorts-over-leggings attire, but he really should get a manicure. In fairness, he may not have known they were going to do the “hand pose” for all the world to see, but still. When you’re a multimillionaire, take care of your fingers/fingernails. So worth it.