bamboo trampoline

Are you me? Because you sound an awful lot like me. Best of luck to the both of us. *hugs*

I put some peach schnapps in ginger ale. Not fancy, but yum.

I’ve pretty much never felt unsafe here in NYC, so I concur with you. The NYPD (for the most part) gets things extremely right.

I’m reading ONE MORE THING by actor/comedian BJ Novak. It’s fun.

The “oh, you HATE me” thing is passive-aggressive behavior. He needs to learn to express his real feelings (anger or whatever).

My favorite local grower is Barnwell Apples. I *heart* NC.

If you watch rock documentaries or read rock bios, you definitely know Mother Love Bone. I’m 46, a woman, and grew up 3000 miles from Seattle, and I know Mother Love Bone. A little education goes a long way (is what I’m sayin’).

Side note: No kid would ever steal a white chocolate macadamia. That is, indeed, a truly adult cookie. ;)

Yay! I hope one day to be able to foster, but I have to move out of the NYC area so I can have a place with—you know—more rooms.

I binged the second season of “Master of None.” Man, do I love that show. Oh, and I also wore makeup for the first time in over a year. It’s not really my thing, but I was meeting a girlfriend for dinner.

Between my brother and I, we had a lot of stuffed animals.

Good girl, Catalina, you keep fighting! We are all still pulling for you.

That’s my nose too, and I’m a girl. You’re good. :)

That is the appropriate response. :)

Further to your point: Milo Y and Ann Coulter have issues.

I am three years older than him, and I still get carded at bars. Suck it, Alex Jones!

Taylor Swift is thirsty. So over her.

I am SO HAPPY to read this.

I read Mary Wollenstencraft in college. Still have books underlined in pencil at my parents’ house. Should re-read.

My cat is snoring on my couch at this moment. We are watching “SNL.”