bamboo trampoline

At my house, we still call leftovers night “Slim Pickins.” We have more now that my brother and I are adults and out of the house, but that tradition remains.

We were solidly middle class. Both my parents worked, though my mom was a state social worker (low-salaried). I never got the things I wanted, but I always got the things I needed. Also, my brother and I were able to play sports (which cost money), and my parents put both of us through college (for which I am

You are completely missing the physical risk to the girls learning very dangerous skills. Men are (generally) stronger and taller, and thus more competant spotters. In elite gymnastics, this is critical. When you are training life-threatening skills every day, this matters a hell of a lot more than someone’s gender.

Because boys’ programs are a lot more rare, and girls’ programs are a lot more prevalent. You have to go where the demand is. As an ex-gymnast, I can’t think of any boys’ dynasties, whereas I can think of many gyms where coaches turned out top-level girls year after year and created gymnastics dynasties—programs that

I watched this doc last night. I came away feeling very conflicted. The “retail” vs. “wholesale” argument the Southern Poverty Law Center makes is very convincing. But then so is Daryl’s contention that unless you’re engaging with people whose views you oppose, you’re only “preaching to the choir” (which is not

The new “One Day at a Time” is really warm-hearted and sweet. And very woke.

My FL public school had lots of AP classes, so I was able to start college with 18 credits (a whole semester) under my belt, thus saving my parents a ton of money in housing, food, etc. Plus, I on full academic scholarship.

Luke Perry always had—and still has—that whispery bedroom voice.

Many of the kids I taught in middle school will be 16 the summer before their sophmore year, but they were left back a grade. While Archie says he was ALMOST left back, he tells the story about Betty helping him read to pass second grade. So, yeah, I’m guessing he was only 15 when he and Ms. Gundy had their summer

True. That’s the only name on the list I didn’t know (though I did know—from general knowledge of old names—that it likely wasn’t spelled “Chrispus,” as the poster wrote, but indeed “Crispus”).

Also, even if you can’t adopt, you can donate supplies (like food, blankets, and toys), time, or money. My mom volunteers at her local shelter every Friday to help socialize the cats. People there also wash linens, help organize public events, etc. There are many volunteer activities and opportunities as long as

I say “yes.” I, too, work(ed) in an underpriveleged district.

I miss Greg.

Sometimes, down South, we use “Ma.” I’m ok with that.

My friend is a United Methodist (deacon, maybe?) and she marched in Philly today. Progressive Christians are out there.

Forgive me if somebody already pointed this out, but isn’t “dais” spelled d-a-i-s? Let’s not give in to the Trump anti-intellectualism this early in the game.

“Allows.” Lol. Like anyone could rein in the crazy that is Donald J. Trump.

I’m re-reading GOING CLEAR. Highly recommend to everyone.

My silly boy is playing with this rubber band, which he has learned how to fetch.

That is a dilemma. I’ve wanted to see both, but I’m too lazy to leave my house in winter. :(