Ivan's bloody nipple

So why didn’t the MI6 just hire V to kill Peel jr. when she was freelancing? Who were the 2 women and a man in the 1st episode posing as paramedics working for? Not the Twelve, since they didn’t yet have any reason to be going after V?

Don’t be a freeloader, chum.

We most definitely should get on Americans for that! China is indeed the largest emitter of CO2, since 2006. The climate change crisis however did not begin in 2006. If you add up all the emissions from the last century, it’ll be a while before China becomes the largest over all contributor. There’s also over a

She didnt condemn fascism.

 Wouldnt know. Are there some Davis’ somewhere..?

Honestly this sounds like something former fascists would make up after the war. “No, no I was resisting, I was secretly on your side all along!” Ties in nicely with collective amnesia and historical revisionism Italy embraced after the war.

Im not too surprised. In Italy the fascists there may have lost the war, but they never really lost power... Not for long. And they certainly never became social pariahs, as they should.

Mussolini’s granddaughter is in politics? *sigh* Ofcourse Mussolini’s granddaughter is in politics...

It’s a classic GOT deconstruction, apparent in retrospect anyway. The reason you like someone, is the reason they fail. Like the Stark’s Father&Son with their honour and integrity getting killed for acting with honour and integrity. It’s the Inigo Montoya act which makes the viewers love Oberyn, makes him a hero... and

Doubtful, considering the country brexiting is the one with the most obtrusive nanny-state laws in the entire EU.

It’s an MPV. Shrunken minivan/embiggened hatchback to Americans.

But you can still wear them too, just as long as you make sure their skins been exposed to the required chemical process, they’ll make very nice shoes, belts, handbags or car seats... otherwise you’re a monster!

Roman polytheists did it firster.

It’s facetious to pretend his previous conduct isn’t precisely why he’s considered a good and veritable character by the Washington nomenklatura? A good and loyal cog of the machine that in since ww2 managed to produce one commander in chief that didn’t at least dabble in war crimes himself. Carter... please correct


You already missed up on Krampus for this year though. It’s December 5th he and St. Nicholas come around, not Christmas.

“glimpse at an antediluvian soccer  

I hope.

Robot brothel sounds much better than calling it sex-toy rental store.