I’m surprised they haven’t implemented a system of exchanging the empty battery for a full one, so there’s no downtime during charging. It works for forklifts!
I’m surprised they haven’t implemented a system of exchanging the empty battery for a full one, so there’s no downtime during charging. It works for forklifts!
If you hate this century, and you’d really hate all the ones that came before. It means your standards and expectations aren’t exactly realistic, when grading against the curve of history.
Meh. All things considered, 18 years in and this century is already going much better than the previous one had.
Lordy, I get it, Serena is a generational talent, she’s the mother of dragons, whatever... She’s also 36 and the days of dispatching her opponents with ease are probably behind her. That’s sports for ya!
Seems like the highest measure of success is throwing a fit like a particularly ornery five-year old, and then being called classy and brave for it.
Never mind.
Next they’ll tell us Bukowski was a drunken jerk.
Elon Musk is a business magnet, investor and engineer.*
So euh... will they test cosmetics on humans now? Will someone get a real bad rash for 50$? Or not test them at all? In which case everyone gets a real bad rash...
Heh, someone needs to brush up on their biology, or take a trip to the farm... they’re dipping the carcass of the mother into the scrambled remains of her period. As the eggs are likely unfertilized.
So far solid three quarters of the comments are references to Trump. It’s like Americans are incapable of conceiving of anything they can’t relate immediately back to themselves.
...and that wasn’t even the only gramma-dick-all error...
While this is welcome development... I hope he had put some thought into making some arrangement for Afghani’s who had thrown in their lot with the Kabul Government. ‘cause when the Taliban do take over the rest of the country, they’re likely gonna be murdered.
I had thought all the “American selflessly offers to fix soccer” takes were exhausted during the World Cup.
The funeral was bananas, the camera kept hinting we might see Cole punch up Ben, but running off with the urn was so much better/worse. I hope it’s the last we see of Ben, having the next season be about what really happened to Allison would just be retread to season 1.
He kind of did...
So they’re still charging for the use of public restrooms, eh?
This is a show that’ll go to some lengths with it’s changing perspective and all just to avoid “outright villains”. It’s pretty clear we’re supposed to stew in uncertainty -not even speculate, because that for one would require some clues beyond Allison moving her assets into Joanies trust fund-.
I stand corrected! Though to me it still looks like a good way to get t-boned at highway speeds.
What’s up with the swerving though? That’s not how you “slow him down” nor should you even attempt any such thing. That’s what the hazard lights are for, and if the others are too stupid to get the hint... shit happens, but at least it’s not on you.